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Author Topic: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?  (Read 7722 times)


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How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« on: October 10, 2017, 02:56:01 pm »

In a multi disc set as in the picture, how do I tell JRiver to play one disc?



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2017, 03:06:03 pm »

Using your view as above, click once on the first track of the disc you want to play, hold the shift key, click once on the last track, and then click the Play button.


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2017, 03:37:36 pm »

Using your view as above, click once on the first track of the disc you want to play, hold the shift key, click once on the last track, and then click the Play button.


surprised this has not been made easier as we are in our 23rd release.


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2017, 04:38:00 pm »

surprised this has not been made easier as we are in our 23rd release.

Well there are easier ways to do it. If you had been able to get the Box Set view working as I described it in a different thread, you just have to click Play on the disc you want. However, given the view you're using, I think selecting all the tracks and clicking Play is probably the easiest way to get the job done.

You're using the Pane view for box sets. I recommend viewing as Categories instead of Panes.


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2017, 04:39:33 pm »

Actually, it has been even simpler for as long as I have used JRiver.  Just double click on the the first track you wish to play, and JRiver will play it and successive tracks on the album displayed until you click on something else, like a different track in on different album.


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2017, 01:10:08 am »

A bit more complex but it works brilliantly for me especially on Classical Box Sets, it takes a bit of effort but well worth it in my mind.

Create 2 Custom Tags ... Box Set & Disc Name

For each "Box Set give it a unique name , then make sure each contained disc has a Disc # , Now give each Disc # a "Name", as descriptive as you like.

Create a view where Box Set is NOT empty and Box Set> Disc Name in the dialog

Now you can see each disc as if it was in a true Box Set and play each one separately

Incidentally you can give the Box Set the same Album name or each disc can be a separate Album . This is common in some of these big classical sets where they are essentially a collection of previously released albums

Hope This Helps



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2017, 09:00:13 am »

A bit more complex but it works brilliantly for me especially on Classical Box Sets, it takes a bit of effort but well worth it in my mind.

Create 2 Custom Tags ... Box Set & Disc Name

For each "Box Set give it a unique name , then make sure each contained disc has a Disc # , Now give each Disc # a "Name", as descriptive as you like.

Create a view where Box Set is NOT empty and Box Set> Disc Name in the dialog

Now you can see each disc as if it was in a true Box Set and play each one separately

Incidentally you can give the Box Set the same Album name or each disc can be a separate Album . This is common in some of these big classical sets where they are essentially a collection of previously released albums

Hope This Helps


I see your album art is the same for all three discs, can you use separate album art for each disc in this configuration?

What I would like to do is use separate art for each album (when appropriate) like this:

BUT have it all umbrellaed under one BoxSet unlike I have it now.

Can it be done?

Just what are my choices? 


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2017, 09:16:07 am »

Well there are easier ways to do it. If you had been able to get the Box Set view working as I described it in a different thread, you just have to click Play on the disc you want. However, given the view you're using, I think selecting all the tracks and clicking Play is probably the easiest way to get the job done.

You're using the Pane view for box sets. I recommend viewing as Categories instead of Panes.

I have to laugh, I have no idea about an alternate view. It's so frustrating.  :(

I would like all my music as albums, by date. (how I have it now)

For multi disc albums, Cd 1 and CD 2 is fine. 3, 4 whatever.

For boxed sets (A boxed set is an album, to me) the same view is fine BUT I need individual album art for each album and differing name and artist.

any such thing? To me it seems only natural

All CD's are like this and JRiver should be able to mimic it. No?

so I guess I am saying I want the same view I have with the physical CD's, they all come in one box, they are all together with differing artwork  A CD (album), multi disc CD and box set CD should all be the same on the top layer. 


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2017, 09:41:43 am »


Just a bad example. Yes you can have individual album art. The Attached is Emil Gilels - The Complete RCA Albums , it came with individual art work

What I do (personal) is I create a Windows Folder for the Box Set , then Sub Folders for each Disc.

In the Disc Sub Folder I put the Album art appropriate to the album / disc

Once everything is set up goto your Box select each Disc , select Cover Art> Add from file and add the folder jpeg that's in the Disc Sub folder

Your "Front Page" in the Box Set View will now be a "Fan" of all the individual art work , as you open the box the individual art shows



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2017, 09:52:59 am »

I have to laugh, I have no idea about an alternate view. It's so frustrating.  :(

I would like all my music as albums, by date. (how I have it now)

For multi disc albums, Cd 1 and CD 2 is fine. 3, 4 whatever.

For boxed sets (A boxed set is an album, to me) the same view is fine BUT I need individual album art for each album and differing name and artist.

any such thing? To me it seems only natural

All CD's are like this and JRiver should be able to mimic it. No?

so I guess I am saying I want the same view I have with the physical CD's, they all come in one box, they are all together with differing artwork  A CD (album), multi disc CD and box set CD should all be the same on the top layer.

Does this not work?


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2017, 10:01:20 am »

Second question

In your Artist view , store the release date in [Date]

Now for the Album instead of the Tag use an Expression = [Date] - [Album]

for Abbey Road [Date] = 1969 , [Album ="Abbey Road" Expression = 1969 - Abbey Road.

The Artist view will now sort by the prefix date

All the pics should explain



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2017, 10:08:12 am »

You can add cover art for each track. Just select the tracks and add cover art as normal. If you have it for the first track, then just select that track and copy the cover art to the clipboard, then select all the other tracks and paste from the clipboard.  You can also store the cover art in the music file - Tools Options - File Locations - Cover Art. For existing albums, you might have to also copy tags to file to move the cover art. The Image File tag will tell you if the cover art is stored inside the file.

You might want to read the Wiki article on Album Artist. It discusses how to define an album when their are different artists, such as a compilation album. This can apply to multiple disc and boxed sets.


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2017, 10:11:33 am »

In a standard view simply go the pulldown at the top of the display (Album for an Album View) and select Sort By. Under Custom you can set any sorting order you want.


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2017, 10:26:13 am »

You can add cover art for each track.

I want to add cover art for each Disc # not each track.



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2017, 11:11:22 am »

Thats OK you can add by track but you don't have to

in the album view highlight the Album or Disc # , then Tools>Cover Art>Add from File and find the image file  This will do by Album

Simple !!



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2017, 11:54:06 am »

I have to laugh, I have no idea about an alternate view. It's so frustrating.  :(

I would like all my music as albums, by date. (how I have it now)

For multi disc albums, Cd 1 and CD 2 is fine. 3, 4 whatever.

For boxed sets (A boxed set is an album, to me) the same view is fine BUT I need individual album art for each album and differing name and artist.

any such thing? To me it seems only natural

All CD's are like this and JRiver should be able to mimic it. No?

so I guess I am saying I want the same view I have with the physical CD's, they all come in one box, they are all together with differing artwork  A CD (album), multi disc CD and box set CD should all be the same on the top layer.

What you want to do is essentially what I am doing now in a library of nearly 4,000 classical albums, with one exception.  I simply tag the entire boxed set as one "album", and use the disc # tag field to indicate the disc within that.  I could use the boxed set thumbnail for all discs in the album, or I could use a separate thumbnail for each disc,  but not both. That distinction is not important to me.  Incorporating both would require additional custom fields, which I prefer not to do.  And, I do not care much about whether a composition I wish to play is from a single- or a Multi-disc album.

This works in conjunction with one single custom field in my library - Composition - identifying each separate work, often identical across the multiple tracks = movements in that Composition, the movement titles being identified in the Name field.

Occasionally, I have manipulated the Disc # field to get better delineation.  For example, I have an album of all 15 Shostakovich symphonies, but they are not consecutive and some are together on the same optical disc, others span multiple discs.  I just changed the Disc # field to be 1 to 15 corresponding to the symphony # and disregard the actual order on the optical discs.  The Composition field also reflects this - Symphony No. 1 in key?, for example.  I can figure out the correspondence to the optical disc media files from the file path tag if I ever need to, which I seldom do.  But, normally, I leave the disc # tag alone.

Artists, etc. can be different from track to track. 

I have little trouble browsing by composer, genre and composition, which is the way I normally navigate selections for playback.  Navigation by artist, composer, composition is also no problem. Or, for jazz and pop music, by artist/album.  I don't need much more than that to find what I wish to play on the spur of the moment.



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2017, 01:31:44 pm »

I do pretty much the same with one exception where a box set is a collection of previously released albums

A good example is the Glenn Gould Original Jacket series where the discs were each released as individual LP or CD

Similarly the BIG Brendel set was a collection of smaller sets eg the 4 Haydn Disc set , Mozart PC with MArriner and so on others were released as single discs.

It saves a lot of hard work if you leave a box set as is , but putting in the effort adds a bit more to the clarification of sets

Each to their own



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2017, 02:02:05 pm »

I want to add cover art for each Disc # not each track.

The cover art for the first track in an album is used as the cover art for that album. There is no separate disk cover art.   

The idea of having cover art for addition tracks was just additional information. It might come in handy some time. Personally, I live to have the cover art in each file. That can be handy if you move the file to another environment.


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2017, 06:27:43 am »

Thats OK you can add by track but you don't have to

in the album view highlight the Album or Disc # , then Tools>Cover Art>Add from File and find the image file  This will do by Album

Simple !!


You cannot highlight a disc #.

Or how can you?


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2017, 06:28:53 am »

The cover art for the first track in an album is used as the cover art for that album. There is no separate disk cover art.   

The idea of having cover art for addition tracks was just additional information. It might come in handy some time. Personally, I live to have the cover art in each file. That can be handy if you move the file to another environment.

To me this contradicts what MikeO just said.



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2017, 08:53:43 am »

If you have a series of albums as Cover Art or as a "Blank Album Art" ie its not been added yet. Select that Album and hover and select file , you will see in the bottom pane the tracks (Files) associated with that album.

You can either highlight the set of tracks below or simply highlight the album Placeholder above and then go Cover Art> Add From File etc

This will put you select artwork into each file

I am not sure if you select the first if it will add to all I bow to dtc knowledge here , its not something I have done ... Experiment ?



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2017, 09:30:28 am »

If you have a series of albums as Cover Art or as a "Blank Album Art" ie its not been added yet. Select that Album and hover and select file , you will see in the bottom pane the tracks (Files) associated with that album.

You can either highlight the set of tracks below or simply highlight the album Placeholder above and then go Cover Art> Add From File etc

This will put you select artwork into each file

I am not sure if you select the first if it will add to all I bow to dtc knowledge here , its not something I have done ... Experiment ?


OK, I learned something but as soon as I change the cover art on track one, the album art changes.

I want the album cover art to be the art of the set and the individual discs to have their own art.

I got close to making Boxedset work 2 weeks ago. Is that a better approach?

Or, is it just not possible to have art for boxed sets then individual for each disc?

Or, does each  disc become a separate album within a boxed set?

(clearly I am about to give up again, as I have in so many ways for so many years with this :()

BTW, thanks again to all the posters here helping!


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2017, 09:39:42 am »

I Think now you are after the impossible

If I get you right you want a Box Set which is a collection of individual albums

The Collective Box with the original BOX artwork which when you open shows all the original album artworks below

The concept of the Box Set is not native to MC , i used  a custom tag to achieve it

I am not aware this can be done. You will get a "Fan" of all the individual art works. If you highlight the Box , and import the Box Artwork , I think all subordinate albums will inherit that Box Art work

I'll do a little (accent on little) test



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #23 on: October 12, 2017, 09:43:35 am »

Just tried it and as far as I can see it cannot be done

I selected each Disc and imported Add From File , a different JPEG. The overall defaulted to a Fan as I expected



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #24 on: October 12, 2017, 10:04:46 am »

Just tried it and as far as I can see it cannot be done

I selected each Disc and imported Add From File , a different JPEG. The overall defaulted to a Fan as I expected


wait wait wait.... I think I know what you mean now... that would be fine.....

let me try

let me also ask this

right now, to keep everything in one album (set) I use the same Artist, Album, Genre and Date.

only Disc# do I change.

must all 4 match to be one album? or are albums one album if the name alone matches (or what???)


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2017, 10:14:51 am »

I Think now you are after the impossible

and that is part of my conundrum. I do not know what can and can't be done, hence I don't know what outcome I am working toward. Not my style at all.



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2017, 10:38:51 am »

A album is defined by album and artist being the same. Date does not have to be the same. Not sure about genre, but I believe they can be different - never tried.  For complication albums with different artists, you can also define an album by each track having the same album artist (auto). Album artist (auto) can also be something like [Various] or [Multiple Artist]. If you put an entry in Album Artist is automatically populates album artist (auto)

The reason there is no album cover art per se is that there is no specific entry in the database for an album. The database structure has individual tracks, which are then collected into albums based on the tags.  An album is just a collection of tracks grouped together by common tags. Given that, the album cover art is stored as the cover art for the first track.


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #27 on: October 12, 2017, 11:16:07 am »

Am I not right , Album Artist (Auto) is set as [Album Artist] if there is a value present if not it is set as a concatenation of the [Artists] in Artist Tag.

You cannot actually give it a value (hence Auto) except by derivation from either Artist or Album Artist

The simplest way to "concoct" an album is to take a set of tracks and give them the same Album name . Now set Album Artist = "Various Artists".

If the [Artist] tag contains several values then there will be an instance of the "album" one per artist until a single value is present in [Album Artist] . A single value in [Artist] has the same effect.

Clear as Mud ??



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #28 on: October 12, 2017, 12:07:18 pm »

Just tried it and as far as I can see it cannot be done

I selected each Disc and imported Add From File , a different JPEG. The overall defaulted to a Fan as I expected


OK, got all 10 discs into one album with different album covers for all 10.

But, no fan on top level. Instead I have album cover of the first CD.  :'(

Is there an order or very specific method???


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #29 on: October 12, 2017, 03:23:49 pm »

You can type directly into Album Artist (Auto) but it is probably better to put your entry into Album Artist and let MC populate Album Artist (Auto).

I do not think it concatenates all the artist if they are different. It fills in [Multiple Artists]


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #30 on: October 13, 2017, 07:37:07 am »

One option I have been thinking about  is to create a separate "disc" which is simply a track that does not play but has a separate cover art that is the box set art. That would be the first disc of the set. That would show as the cover art for the set and then when you went to each disc you would see the cover art for that disc. It would become disc # 1 and you would need to increment your disc # values by 1, since disc # cannot  be 0. To get around that you could create your own tag, such as Disc or Disk # which can have any integer value equal to or greater than 0 and use that whenever you display the disc number.  MC would still use Disc # for grouping, but you could use your tag to display the correct disc number. You could set the value of the new tag yourself or put in an expression to calculate it based on the value in Disc #. If disc # is blank, then it would be blank, otherwise it is just disc # -1. To use the expression you would need to be sure that every album with disc #s have a Cover Art track. It might be just as easy to set them yourself unless you have a large number of boxed sets.

To create the box set track, you could use any track you want and just insert the box set cover art. Name it something creative like Box Set Cover Art. I created a sub folder in the album folder called Cover Art and put the file in there. Then I just imported that and changed the tags as needed. You could create a tenth of a second silent track or use any track you want and set Playable to 0. You just need to be sure the album. artist and genre tags match the rest of the box set. It will show up in your album list but it will not play.

It is a little kludgy but should accomplish what you want. Give it a try.


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #31 on: October 13, 2017, 08:31:06 am »

First prize would be to have Box Set as a native tag in MC

Ideally with a separate album art for the "Box" , in such a way that each individual disc can have its own separate album art as well.

I suppose it would really mean 2 album arts per disc, one for the set , one for the disc.

I got around it by creating Box Set as a Custom Tag , and each Disc has a name again a custom tag but it doesnt fix the issue.

Ironicalloy my Cambridge Audio CXN software (Connect) reads a USB drive just like that !!. Whatever artwork is in a folder is shown on the view. So for a box , each sub folder has the "album" artwork and the Master (Box) folder has the "Box" art work.

I suspect most classical fans would welcome something of the like. To be honest it has never really bothered me.



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #32 on: October 13, 2017, 08:45:26 am »

Mike - Just letting disc # take on a value of 0 and using that disc # for the box set cover art would allow my previous suggestion to work easily. Not sure what other effects it might have throughout MC. But it seems like a pretty easy solution. I believe any solution has to work with the current MC framework without significant reprogramming. 


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #33 on: October 13, 2017, 08:51:09 am »

I agree , a change is more likely to happen if the coding input is small. The way changes are implemented in an "Agile" manner points that way.

Lets see if Matt is reading this ...



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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #34 on: October 13, 2017, 04:18:22 pm »

First prize would be to have Box Set as a native tag in MC

Ideally with a separate album art for the "Box" , in such a way that each individual disc can have its own separate album art as well.

I do this with the series tag and I end up with a box set art and an album art


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Re: How to play one disc from a multi disc set?
« Reply #35 on: October 13, 2017, 05:25:40 pm »

I do this with the series tag and I end up with a box set art and an album art

Do you then use a separate series view? Seems like adding series to an audio album view could get messy. Is there a simple way to do that easily? My idea is to use a normal audio album view for single disc albums, multiple disc albums and boxed sets.
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