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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 23.0.70 -- Available Here  (Read 7594 times)


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JRiver Media Center 23.0.70 -- Available Here
« on: October 10, 2017, 08:51:36 am »

This is a new build of JRiver Media Center 23.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.

Download standard build
32-bit: (works on all systems)

Download 64 bit build
This is an early build of JRiver Media Center 23 for Windows 64-bit, recommended for advanced users only. You may experience new problems, so please back up your library before installing.
64-bit: (works on 64 bit systems only)

23.0.70 (10/6/2017)

1. Changed: When loading tracks for album memory playback, a wait message will display if it takes more than one second.
2. Changed: Album memory playback detects when the same file is in the playlist multiple times and no longer loads the file more than once.
3. Fixed: DLNA: Don't call GetMediaInfo if the controller options are set to Disable SetNext support.
4. Changed: Reduced default time for device calls from 10 seconds to 2 seconds, since the calls are sometimes on the main thread.
5. Fixed: DLNA: Fix status calls for GetPosition which were not entirely correct in 23.0.67.
6. Changed: Play Doctor caps the number of files it will output based on the size of the entire library.
7. Fixed: On Manage TV Channels window the channel logo preview window showed a blank instead of the default image if the channel's set image file was no longer available.
8. Fixed: Album memory playback no longer attempts to load URLs.
9. NEW: Panel - Added the playlist count and current track to the playback bar.
10. Changed: Panel - Removed the fanned icon for groups of multiple files.
11. Fixed: Panel - Buttons for custom views didn't have the appropriate format.
12. Fixed: DLNA: Options that aren't active depending on the current settings are grayed out.
13. NEW: DLNA: You can now select the audio formats that are converted when "specified output format only when necessary" is selected. (under Add or configure DLNA servers .. [Server name]->Audio->Advanced)

23.0.69 (10/5/2017)

1. Changed: TV recording delete confirmation dialog self-destructs in 10 seconds to prevent it from blocking the program in case it pops up unattended.
2. Fixed: Message boxes in Theater View that have self-destruction timer set might return wrong result upon self-destruction.
3. Fixed: Improved handling of redirects when downloading cover art or season banners from TheTVDB.
4. Fixed: Connecting a new client to a Library Server will no longer re-create all stock smartlists.
5. Changed: Increased the mouse-wheel precision of the Tempo/Pitch/Rate sliders in the Tempo & Pitch DSP.
6. Changed: Italian translation updated (thanks Matteo).
7. Changed: Made Play Doctor give a file no chance of inclusion if it's been included in the last 10 tracks.
8. Changed: The "MC23.exe" Launcher is additionally included in the Media Center program folder, in addition to the system folder.

23.0.68 (10/4/2017)

1. NEW: Panel - Added a back button to the App header.
2. NEW: Panel - The mini player will also display the album title of the audio or image file playing.
3. Changed: Panel - Removed the browser header.
4. Changed: Panel - Removed the buffering slider animation.
5. Changed: Panel - Adjusted the format of the page jump buttons.
6. Changed: Panel - Made most of the folder buttons similar to the home page buttons.
7. Changed: Panel - Moved the play all button on folders to the lower right corner.
8. Fixed: Panel - Album columns were still taking up space on mobile devices.

23.0.67 (10/4/2017)

1. NEW: Added new tag fields "Work", "Movement", "Movement Number", "Movement Count", and "Show Work Movement".  These tags will be read from and written to corresponding Apple iTunes tags in mp4 files.
2. NEW: Added an option "Use a default image for channels without logos" for Theater View TV Guide.  This option is effective only if "Hide channel names in Theater View guide when channel logos are available" option is not used.
3. Changed: DLNA: Move the detection for the ability to do SetNext into the track playback start. Saves on device calls.
4. Fixed: DLNA: Add a GetTransportState for Playback state = PLAYING before GetPosition because on some slow devices GetPosition was returning values from the previous track which caused a track skip on those devices that support SetNext.
5. Changed: DLNA: Because of #4 above, change the track status update for SetNext support to 5 seconds.
6. NEW: MC will automatically search the Cover Art\TV Logos\ folder for channel logos if a channel does not already have a logo file saved in the Image File tag.
7. NEW: Added a "Divider" to the Parametric Equalizer to separate groups of filters.  The text for the divider is customizable.
8. NEW: Added support for changing the label column width in the tag editing action window.  Cursor changes to a 'sizing' icon when over the divider between label and value.
9. Fixed: Album memory playback could fail to play tracks when it looped the playlist and started again.
10. NEW: The 'Get Movie & TV Info' dialog has a new option to select or de-select getting keyword data along with the other metadata.  It's a checkbox called "Use keywords".
11. Changed: In the Standard Television View the horizontal split between the Filter window and the Channels window can now be adjusted.
12. Fixed: Theater View could crash in recent builds if "Expression to Display" was used in a view.
13. Changed: DLNA: when ignoring position failure, add a settling delay for the play command after sending the URI to the renderer. Helps with some slow renderers.
14. Changed: DLNA: changes to make the slider work when getposition is slow or fails.
15. Fixed: DLNA: get the fileinfo to update onscreen instantly when transitioning tracks.
16. Fixed: DLNA: change to the DLNA image slideshow push to renderer to work with MC as a renderer.
17. Changed: DLNA renderer. Ignore Stop commands while playing back images. Enables a smooth slideshow. WIP.

23.0.66 (9/29/2017)

1. Fixed: Pressing Ctrl+F to search when you were in a nested sub-view didn't properly jump to the top of the view.  Instead it could jump to an audio view.
2. Fixed: When a recorded TV show was deleted right after it was played (a new feature in build 65), the show was not removed from the list in Theater view.
3. NEW: Added the Send To menu to the customize toolbar dialog.
4. Changed: Replaced checkbox symbol "[ x ]" with a check mark '✓' in Theater View TV recording configuration dialogs.
5. Changed: Replaced checkbox symbol "[ x ]" with "[√]" TV Channels list in "Manage TV Channels."
6. NEW: Added the keyboard shortcuts U and D to move filters in Parametric Equalizer up and down.
7. NEW: Added the keyboard shortcut R to remove a filter from Parametric Equalizer.
8. Changed: The right-click commands Stacks > Advanced > Create Particle and Auto Create... didn't get added to the MRU menu.
9. Changed: Made the column alignment setting also apply to the view header, so making text right justified for example will also right justify the header.
10. NEW: Panel - Added page jump links below the next and previous page buttons.
11. Changed: Panel - The next and previous track buttons will show in the playing now bar on mobile devices held in the landscape orientation.
12. NEW: Added the option "Shuffle the list" when saving a Car Radio button to shuffle all the files that are saved as a playlist.

23.0.65 (9/27/2017)

1. Changed: Added the .dtshd extension for DTS audio files.
2. Changed: Red October HQ updated to madVR 0.92.4.
3. NEW: Added the MCWS function Playback/StopAll to stop all playback regardless of zone (includes remote and DLNA zones).
4. Fixed: Linking a Car Radio button to a playlist or smartlist would create 1000 buttons.
5. Fixed: Saving a Car Radio button to a playlist wouldn't delete the old playlist so duplicates could get created and the results would be undefined.
6. Changed: Made the CreateInterface function in the automation SDK return an intn instead of a long (so it works on x64).
7. NEW: Television has an option (in TV Options > Advanced section) to offer to delete a recorded TV show that is just watched.  You have to opt-in for this to take effect and the show must have been watched at least 85% for the feature to kick in.
8. Changed: Removed "Use extra layer of buffer when recording in TS format" from TV Options as this option no longer have any effect.
9. Changed: Clicking a playing image will stop the slideshow from running.
10. Fixed: Mouse wheel on the 2D image viewer wouldn't redraw the image at the new zoom level.
11. Fixed: JRiver Time-shifting Writer filter might cause a crash when other filters fail to start.
12. NEW: Panel - Added an option to Settings to allow the user to set the number of items to display per page.
13. Changed: Panel - Panel will now display the album title in the file list on non-mobile devices.
14. Changed: Panel - Next and previous page buttons were added to the top of lists as well.
15. Changed: Panel - Changed the audio cover art display to use up less space.

23.0.64 (9/22/2017)

1. Changed: Tuned the paste logic so that when it adds delimiters to strings pasted in, it removes the final trailing delimiter if it's just empty after it.
2. Changed: JRMark scores say if they're coming from an x64 build of Media Center.
3. Changed: Panel - When selecting a file or group of files to begin playing in the browser, Panel will now jump to the playing page.
4. Changed: Panel - Avoids doing conversion with files that don't need to be converted for HTML5.
5. Fixed: Panel - The player was not working in the Safari browser.
6. Fixed: Panel - The player would stop working in some browsers shortly after playing began.

23.0.63 (9/22/2017)

1. Fixed: The DLNA controller option "Ignore GetPosition Failure" wasn't being read properly. The default of not enabled should NOW help with some DLNA renderer issues, skipping tracks, etc.
2. Fixed: Dolby Digital encoding in the Output Format DSP did not work in the 64-bit build.
3. Changed: Tuned the grouping logic of pane expressions a little more.  It wasn't always detecting the field properly.

23.0.62 (9/21/2017)

1. Fixed: In some cases closing an edit control in the new Tag window wouldn't register that it was closed so it would take two clicks on the close button to exit.
2. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.26.
3. Changed: MC will no longer use abbreviated JTV folder name unless it is needed to reduce the length of the file path.
4. Changed: Updated Slovak translation (thanks Peter Lukac).
5. Changed: The 64-bit version shares the license registration with the 32-bit version, and no longer requires a separate activation.
6. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
7. Changed: Improved the grouping logic in panes for the expression to display to better handle using something like [Actors].
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.70 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2017, 03:14:44 pm »

Good afternoon everyone. Today I upgraded from MC 22 TO MC 23 (64 BITS). After installing the program, when running MC freezes and I can not open the setup screen as well as I can not play music or perform any operation. I uninstalled the previous versions, cleaned the library but nothing solved. I hope these problems are corrected soon. The configuration of my computer is: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, Intel Core i7-5930K 3.50GHz, 16 GB RAM.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.70 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2017, 04:00:34 pm »

When I upgrade from the app, i loose the Shell integration. Even after restarting, checking shell integration is activated etc. I need to uninstall JRiver, restart, install latest version and restart again for the shell integration to work again.
It’s been happening since .59.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.70 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2017, 04:10:44 pm »

Good afternoon everyone. Today I upgraded from MC 22 TO MC 23 (64 BITS). After installing the program, when running MC freezes and I can not open the setup screen as well as I can not play music or perform any operation. I uninstalled the previous versions, cleaned the library but nothing solved. I hope these problems are corrected soon. The configuration of my computer is: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, Intel Core i7-5930K 3.50GHz, 16 GB RAM.
Let it run for 20 minutes, but it's possible that antivirus software is causing trouble.

I will split this to a new thread.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.70 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2017, 09:37:58 am »

Thanks for adding Movement and related tags. There are a few things that probably need fixing:

1. Movement Number should not be an integer
I assume the intent is both to separate words from numbers, and to be able to sort tracks within a work by movement number. But it is very common to have either sub-movements (e.g. movement 2 is a single track in a recording, but split in 3 tracks 2a, 2b, 2c in another recording of the same work) or merged movements (e.g. movements 2 and 3 each have their own track in a recording, but are on the same track in another recording - usual practice is to use the notation 2-3 or 2,3 for this case). Note that merged movements require multiple Movement texts - there is no standard as to how to separate them, I have seen "//", long hyphen, I personally use <space>...<space> (with the single Unicode for ...). Semicolon does not work because it happens sometimes in movement names.
It is also common to have the reference movement numbering (from work catalogues) already having a sub-movement structure (e.g. Purcell, esp. vocal works).
Finally, there is the case of opera, where the movement numbers are things like "Act III, Scene 2" (which are pretty tricky to sort since the standard use is roman numbers for the act! Don't bother...).
I noticed that the built-in field datatype for Movement Number is user-modifiable (which is not the case for most built-in fields), so that's not a practical issue unless you decide to make the datatype fixed in the future

2. FLAC file tag names
The mapping between field name and FLAC tag is different from what has been chosen by MP3Tag quite some time ago (Nov. 2016). See the v2.80 section in and the change history in In general, following the file tag names of MP3Tag is a good idea since they are widely used and (most often) very proactive on supporting new tags. There are already quite a few divergences between MC and MP3Tag, more is not better in that case  :)

3. MP3 and M4A file tag names
I have not checked the MP3 and M4A file tags for Movement and siblings as I have very few MP3 files and no M4A files (almost all FLAC). From what I read in in the MP3Tag forums, it is quite ugly (e.g. non-standard MP3 tags) and I suggest cross-checking your implementation with the info in that thread. The same thread also indicates that Apple made some non-backwards-compatible MP3 tag changes (TIT1 vs GRP1, see post #24 and following in that thread).

In general, it would be good if the mappings between MC field names and file tags was more flexible. The current implementation (where this is buried in the file format access code) is a bit too inflexible. But this is not a feature request thread...



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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.70 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2017, 02:44:55 pm »


BUG IN MC 23, Windows 10 right click not working and closing the explorer menu
BUG IN MC 23 X64 starting from 23.0.70

I have the 64bit version of MC 23
Yesterday i've upgraded from 23.0.66 to 23.0.70.
Since that moment i have an issue when i right click a folder, a file name or ...
namely, the windows explorer closes.
I had to disable the context menu for Media Center X64 and now everything is working normally again.
As a result, the shell integration does not work anymore.
Can you please provide me with a solution.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.70 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2017, 12:20:23 am »

Hello JRiver team,
I just have installed version 23.0.70 64-bit on Windows 10 1703, but unfortenately it still cannot play WMA files!?
The only thing I hear is a terrible noise...
When can I expect to play WMA files too? Or is there a workaround using special DLL files?

Awesome Donkey

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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.70 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2017, 04:35:48 am »

Maybe it's this issue that broke WMA conversion? Try the solution posted in this post...,107514.msg746865.html#msg746865
I don't work for JRiver... I help keep the forums safe from "male enhancements" and other sources of sketchy pharmaceuticals.

Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit + Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole 64-bit | Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit (Intel N305 Fanless NUC 16GB RAM/500GB M.2 NVMe SSD)
JRiver Media Center 33 (Windows + Linux) | iFi ZEN DAC 3 | JBL 306P MkII Studio Monitors | Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones


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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.70 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2017, 04:48:05 am »

See this thread for WMA playback issues in 64-bit:,112489.0.html

A sample file would be helpful to make sure it gets fixed!
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.70 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2017, 05:03:33 am »


BUG IN MC 23, Windows 10 right click not working and closing the explorer menu
BUG IN MC 23 X64 starting from 23.0.70

I have the 64bit version of MC 23
Yesterday i've upgraded from 23.0.66 to 23.0.70.
Since that moment i have an issue when i right click a folder, a file name or ...
namely, the windows explorer closes.
I had to disable the context menu for Media Center X64 and now everything is working normally again.
As a result, the shell integration does not work anymore.
Can you please provide me with a solution.


Try a reboot. I had a context menu issue and that fixed it for me. Couldn't hurt ..  ;)
MC33, Win10 x64, HD-Plex H5 Gen2 Case, HD-Plex 400W Hi-Fi DC-ATX / AC-DC PSU, Gigabyte Z370 ULTRA Gaming 2.0 MoBo, Intel Core i7 8700 CPU, 4x8GB GSkill DDR4 RAM, Schiit Modi Multibit DAC, Freya Pre, Nelson Pass Aleph J DIY Clone, Ascension Timberwolf 8893BSRTL Speakers, BJC 5T00UP cables, DVB-T Tuner HDHR5-4DT


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Re-Sync Virtual Handheld Not Working
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2017, 11:30:46 am »

The initial syncing of a smartlist to a virtual handheld (a hard drive location) works fine.

However, the 'delete files not in sync list' feature fails to work. This then causes the 'resync when date modified changes' feature to create an additional copy instead of uploading a replacement.

Further, when the virtual handheld is a folder on an ISCSI drive (Synology), 'recheck sync' fails to recognize *any* of the existing files and uploads an additional copy of the entire list. 'Delete files not in sync list' also fails to function in this case.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.70 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2017, 10:31:28 pm »

with 32 and 64 both installed, files already installed via play lists work fine but when ? ? I double click on mp3 from drive location to play with JRiver it opens in windows media to play AND yes I have checked and switched "open with" parameters...let me know if this is common doing clean install to see if it fixes now


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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.70 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2017, 12:25:08 am »

that fixed it ;-) sounds incredible the difference is gorgeous..thank you


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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.70 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2017, 10:49:33 am »

8. NEW: Added support for changing the label column width in the tag editing action window.  Cursor changes to a 'sizing' icon when over the divider between label and value.

Thank you for this change. As I said in my original request, narrowing the tag name column to provide a wider tag content column without having to enlarge the overall Nav column greatly improves reading and editing tags directly in Tag Window yet preserves more View width space. And I love that the change is sticky between MC sessions.
Managing my media with JRiver since Media Jukebox 8 (maybe earlier), currently use Media Center for Audio/Music and Photos/Videos.
My career in media spans Radio, TV, Print, Photography, Music, Film, Online, Live, Advertising, as producer, director, writer, performer, editor, engineer, executive, owner. An exhausting but amazing ride.
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