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Author Topic: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player  (Read 4559 times)


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Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« on: October 26, 2017, 08:13:42 am »

I'm not an IT mind so my question:
In my home net with Cisco Switch in the centre are conected:

PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player

Which way go wave files when I give comands from my PC/JRiver:
1/ directly Qnap - switch - streamer (Naim player) or
2/ they go via my PC means:   Qnap - switch - PC - switch - streamer.

I want to know because I suspect the lost of quality when using a JRiver as a comends manager.
If I pull wave files from Naim player (directly from the Qnap) music sounds better.
Problem is very poor Naim soft. I am DJ and I love my JRiver and its libraries.

Thanks in advance


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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2017, 08:55:10 am »

Welcome to the forum.

Please check the conversion settings for MC's DLNA Server.  Set it to "no conversion".


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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2017, 08:26:07 pm »

Thanks a lot.
I did it and will check tomorow how it works.

Can you please write how about BWF files ?
I record (rip) my vinyls on Benchmark ADC and Tascam recorder as BWF files - 24/192kHz.
Does JRiver support this format ?
When I try to play my BWF files, using my PC (Qnap-switch-PC-switch-Naim player-Hegel DAC) the DAC display shows only 48 kHz.
Is there because of JRiver, please ?
Kind Regards


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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2017, 06:22:19 pm »

It doesn't work.

Unfortunatelly your advice can't help.

I think I know what is going on.

JRiver spoils the quality of wave files when support different services to the user.
Functions like fading, crossfading and DSP or even setting the playing zones.
I can easily hear the loss of the dynamic and the sound getting worse in all means.
When I play directly: server to streamer the sound is perfect but when I use JRiver I loose good quality.
I thing that your program transcode the wave file to be able to apply its functions and then transcodes it back to the wave.

There is a problem of this program. I will use it because I need its functionality and I have no other way.




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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2017, 06:29:17 pm »

Did you do this?

Please check the conversion settings for MC's DLNA Server.  Set it to "no conversion".


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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2017, 02:30:55 am »

Yes, I did it.
I changed to "no conversion" but (please read my message above).


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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2017, 07:36:50 am »

I did read it.

For testing purposes, why don't you try playing local files on a local device, just to see what happens.  JRiver doesn't modify the sound unless you have it set to do so or something is being converted.

If your language is not English, try posting in your native language.  Someone here may be able to help.


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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2017, 08:02:42 am »

I am Polish. Thanks.

Próbowałem różnych rozwiązań. Pliki wave na dysku SSD lub HDD lub na karcie SD.
Niestety za każdym razem dźwięk brzmi wyraźnie gorzej niż w bezpośrednim przesyle plików z serwera do playera.
Serwerem jest Naim Unitiserv a player to Nam ND5 XS, kabel cyfrowy Naim BNC-BNC.
Niestety oprogramowanie w obu urządzeniach Naim jest mało funkcjonalne, nie ma bibliotek nie ma zakresu odtwarzania i nie ma opisów stylu muzyki czy BMP. Jako DJ muszę mieć te informacje pod ręką.
JRiver jest moim 3 z kolei programem po Monkey Media i (nie pamiętam już) i jest NAJLEPSZY tzn. brzmi lepiej niż konkurencja, dźwięk jest mniej zniekształcony. Kiedyś wysyłałem muzykę z PC do DAC po USB ale to też jest obciążone zniekształceniami.
Jeśli mam do wyboru: funkcjonalność JRiver i idealną jakość Naim to muszę wybrać JRiver.
Nie mniej chciałem spróbować coś poprawić. Niestety, nie da się chyba tego zrobić.
Jestem przekonany, że każdy program do obróbki dźwięku wprowadza zniekształcenia do pliku wave poprzez wpływanie na zawartość tego pliku. Próbowałem pracować na dbPoweramp - fading czy obcinanie tzw. rozbiegówek piosenek - zawsze prowadziło do psucia brzmienia i generalnie do spadku dynamiki. Basy zaczynają być nosowe a soprany krzykliwe. Mam dobre nagłośnienie KS Audio (4 szt na 4oooW) i lampowy przedwzmacniacz Octave 500 a DAC to najlepszy Hegel hd-30. To powinno grać a tymczasem pliki wysyłane z udziałem PC-ta i JRivera są (prawdę mówiąc) kastrowane.
Tak jak napisałem - nie ma niestety wyjścia bo udana impreza to wyluzowany DJ tzn. mający czas, żeby odpowiednio wybrać kolejny numer do tańca a 90% moich klientów nie usłyszy tak niewielkiej różnicy w dynamice muzyki.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie
i ogromna szkoda, że nie ma juz JRiver na Qnap bo dla mnie to byłoby idealne rozwiązanie.


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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2017, 08:06:30 am »

No to jeszcze jedno pytanie.
Plik Wave jest plikiem zamkniętym nie można w nim nawet zapisać tagów. Jakim sposobem więc program ustawia start piosenki od np 30 sek (playing zones), albo jak program wycisza końcówkę pliku (fade) ?
Przecież program musi zmodyfikować plik fizycznie (zmieniając jego kod) zanim go wystartuje. Czy mam rację ?


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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2017, 03:03:21 am »

Hi Jim.
I can wait even 2 years for the answer in Polish  :)

Do JRiver support 192 khz please ?
I have a feeling it doesn't. Maybe I made the wrong settings.



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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2017, 03:06:48 am »

I tried different solutions. Wave files on SSD or HDD or on SD card.
Unfortunately, every time the sound is clearly worse than the direct transfer of files from the server to the player.
The server is Naim Unitiserv, a player is Naim ND5 XS, digital cable Naim BNC-BNC.
Unfortunately, the software on both Naim devices is not very functional, there are no libraries in the range and there are no descriptions of music style or BMP. As a DJ I have to have this information at hand.
JRiver is my 3rd program after Monkey Media and (I do not remember anymore) and it is the BEST, it sounds better than the competition, the sound is less distorted. I used to send music from PC to DAC via USB but it is also loaded with distortion.
If I have the choice: JRiver functionality and perfect quality Naim I have to choose JRiver.
I wanted to try something better. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do so.
I am convinced that any sound processing program introduces distortion to a wave file by influencing the contents of that file. I tried working on dbPoweramp - fading or trimming so called. Songs always lead to spoilage of the sound and generally to a drop in dynamics. Bands begin to be nasal and the sopranos are flashy. I have a good sound KS Audio (4 pcs per 4oooW) and tube preamplifier Octave 500 and DAC is the best Hegel hd-30. This should play SUPER, while the files sent with PC and JRiver are (in truth) castrated.
As I wrote - there is unfortunately no way out because the successful event is a laid back DJ, that is time to properly choose another number to dance and 90% of my clients will not hear so little difference in the dynamics of music.
Best wishes
And it is a pity that there is no JRiver on Qnap because for me it would be a perfect solution.


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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2017, 03:08:53 am »

That's another question.
Wave file is closed, it can not even save the tag. So how does the program set start songs from eg 30 sek (playing zones) or how does the program mute the end of the file (fade)?
After all, the program must modify the file physically (changing its code) before it starts. Am I right ?


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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2017, 06:29:49 am »

Do JRiver support 192 khz please ?


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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2017, 08:20:43 am »

Thanks for "Yes".
Now I know JRiver spoil the wave files, so looking for another solution is waste of time and my money.



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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #14 on: October 30, 2017, 08:47:38 am »

Your setup is probably the problem.  The language difference also makes it hard to understand what you're doing. 

Good luck.


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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2017, 02:35:35 am »

My setup ?
Maybe, but my another problem is get the answer to my question I asked.

Does JRiver support 192 khz Wave Files ??

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2017, 06:16:08 am »

Does JRiver support 192 khz Wave Files ??
That isn't an ordinary WAV file.  Where did you get it?  Can you provide a link?


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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2017, 08:16:08 am »

I make it myself as a copy of my vinyls.

I decode the analog signal (from a phono preamp) in "Benchmark usb1" to digital signal 24/192 and then I record it on my Tascam hs-20 (using a Benchmark wordclock).

They are not normal Wave files. They call them BWF - normal wave + aditional bits for the file informations.

My Naim Unitiserve support BWF but Naim ND5 player does not !
dbPoweramp support BWF files as well.

That's why I ask you whehter JRiver supports BWF files.



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Re: Home Net: PC Asus (JRiver23) - Qnap 251 - Naim ND5 player
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2017, 06:51:17 am »

Please, write your e-mail adress ad I will send you a test file made in my studio - 24/192.
You can check it in your IRiver or on your PC.
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