Based on a topic about YouTube improvements I started here,111262.0.html I decided to try and come up with something that better suited my needs. Based on some suggestions in that thread I looked into YouTube did a great job on that interface. So how to integrate that into MC?
I wrote a small vb script that can be launched from within theaterview. it will first minimize MC (I had to do this because for some reason while in Theaterview MC seemed to want to take focus even with "Hide MC" option checked in options). It will then launch your browser of choice to the YouTube TV page(Currently must use Chrome not Firefox). It will then put that page into fullscreen. After you exit the YouTube TV page (if you use a keyboard can be done with ALT-F4, with a remote will require additional setup, EventGhost maybe?) you return to MC. The script then ends. This isn't really integrating it into MC obviously but just launching an external program. Without JRiver themselves don't think we can get much closer than this though.
Download the script here: YouTube.vbs
Dim BrowserTitle
Dim BrowserCommand
' ****** Comment or unComment the following based on what browser you want to use ******
'BrowserCommand = """C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"" """
BrowserCommand = """C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"" """
'BrowserTitle = "YouTube on TV - Mozilla Firefox"
BrowserTitle = "YouTube on TV - Google Chrome"
' **************************************************************************************
' ****** Don't change anything below this point ******
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
' Minimize MC
objShell.SendKeys "% n"
' Launch browser
objShell.Run BrowserCommand
' What for YouTube to open in the browser
act = objShell.AppActivate(BrowserTitle)
If act = True Then
Exit Do
End If
WScript.Sleep 1000
' Make browser fullscreen
objShell.SendKeys "{F11}"
' Wait for browser to exit
act = objShell.AppActivate(BrowserTitle)
If act = False Then
Exit Do
End If
WScript.Sleep 1000
Set objShell = Nothing
Install-Usage:In "MC YouTube.vbs" change the following:
Select the browser you want to use by commenting or un-commenting out the corresponding lines for "BrowserCommand" and "BrowserTitle"
For now only use Chrome not Firefox. Chrome is selected by default so you should not have to change anything.
Image below shows changes needed in MediaCenter's Theaterview options.
Start MC Theaterview and test.