Is there a way to create a smartlist to play songs from two sequentially alternating categories (e.g., genres, etc.) in an a,b,a,b... pattern?
I would like to essentially merge a playlist of all songs with genre "Christmas" and a playlist of family friendly 4 or 5 star songs such that a song with genre = "Christmas" is followed by a song of any genre but that meets other search criteria such as rating = 4 stars, or is a member of another playlist, etc. I have tried various save(), saveadd(), load(), list*, group*, math(), counter(), customdata() as well as various conditional functions and test and comparison functions with no luck.
My manual method current uses the Library Tools/Rename, Move and Copy files commands to physically copy and rename files from two different playlists into a common folder such that the new file names for the Christmas songs start with 001, 003, 005, etc. and the songs from the general song playlist have a file names that start with 002, 004, 006, etc. which result in sequential alternating song tiles like I am showing in the screen capture. I'm sure there must be a more dynamic way to achieve the same outcome. Any help would be appreciated.