So I am not "new" to Media Center, just been awhile. I started with MC11, then MC12 and ended with MC18. My previous house I was using 2 computers for MC, one for audio and one for video. Each system had an M-Audio Delta 1010LT. That was 4 years ago. A couple houses later I am where I will be staying for awhile. I consolidated down to a single computer with both M-Audio cards and have both disk arrays connected via iSCSI. I then upgraded to MC23. The audio side is fine, 36,000 tracks in Flac format feeding 4 zones to my Nuvo. The video side I am having a strange issue. When I ripped my video I stripped off menus and trailers, have each episode of numerous series and movies and named the files appropriately and created them as playlists. The problem I am having is if I watch say episode 3 of season two of in this case Babylon 5 if I try to go back and play it again, it jumps to the end of the episode and starts to play the next episode. If I had solved this issue before I sure don't remember what I had to do. Preferably I would like when the episode is over it goes back to the playlist and waits for me to manually start the next episode. Sometime if I manually clear the playing now the problem is solved. One M-audio card is dedicated to the audio and currently the video is dedicated via analog to the video until I get the digital part of my setup connected.
How can I solve this