Thank you AD for your detailed response. To answer your question about memory playback options, other than the DSP, no settings have been altered.
I understand the conversion for most players is pointless, but as a compliment to your player, adding the filters from the DSP does enhance the music, even if it unnecessarily bloats the file (I have plenty of space on my external hard drive so I don't worry). I have tried a few conversion apps and none add the same depth, spacing and extended dynamics range provided by JRiver. Playing the converted file with the added DSP on Audirvana or Amarra sounds fantastic. Feel free to add that to your reviews!
For the time playback issue, I have tried converting to other sizes, bigger and smaller, from 24/96 all the way to 32/768, and the time increases/decreases two fold, i.e. 32/176 stops at ~150 min, 32/192 stops at ~75 minutes, 32/384 stops at ~38, etc. Regardless on where we stand on the matter of conversion, will you or somebody else please look into the time playback length? If this were about keyboard functionality or the player crashing, it would garner appropriate attention and be fixed.