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How does JRiver's forum support compare to other forum experiences you've had?

Well above average
A little better than average
A little worse
A lot worse (please explain why)

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Author Topic: POLL: Quality of JRiver's Forum Support  (Read 12147 times)


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Re: POLL: Quality of JRiver's Forum Support
« Reply #50 on: February 13, 2018, 03:16:41 pm »

This is the only support forum I use for paid software.  Not sure of any other where there is as much input from management or developers.
  • When I have needed help - either a forum member or the JRiver team has provided it
  • When I have provided logs to help investigate an issue - they have been reviewed and where a JRiver issue have been addressed pretty quickly

Whilst not directly related to support, the Dev --> Production cycle is very quick.  There are a lot of small enhancements and fixes continually

The forum support from other members has been great.  Most noticeable to me is the overwhelming support in the Linux section (set up guides, headless operation, multiple distro instructions.)

Miss the advice and knowledge of MrC and the regular contributions from Glynor.  Whilst others have stepped up, some members knowledge and support is irreplaceable.

I too would like some form of bug / enhancement request tracker made visible to the public.

Looking forward to purchasing the version 24 master license!




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Re: POLL: Quality of JRiver's Forum Support
« Reply #51 on: February 13, 2018, 03:32:42 pm »

Miss the advice and knowledge of MrC and the regular contributions from Glynor.  Whilst others have stepped up, some members knowledge and support is irreplaceable.
I agree.  Over the years, we've had several people take the lead.  AlexB was another one.  blgentry too.


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Re: POLL: Quality of JRiver's Forum Support
« Reply #52 on: February 14, 2018, 12:01:07 pm »



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Re: POLL: Quality of JRiver's Forum Support
« Reply #53 on: February 14, 2018, 12:02:32 pm »

Very quick responses. MC developers interact with users regularly on the forum. Decent place to learn about MC by just following the topics.


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Re: POLL: Quality of JRiver's Forum Support
« Reply #54 on: February 20, 2018, 09:05:43 am »

I've had some really great help on this forum. There are some features in MC that are a result of requests I put in years ago, and that creates a real sense of engagement.

However, sometimes it doesn't help, and you don't get any reasonable feedback. A specific example is the crash error that occurred when changing sample rates in Tidal while using the MC WDM. This was not acknowledged as an MC issue for months, and I was going back and forth between Tidal and here and getting no joy: on Tidal at least I had dedicated support answering my questions, while here is was mostly silence and denial. And then, all of a sudden, it was fixed in an MC update.

In that example I was ready to change my whole system (the main reason for me delaying it is that I knew what a headache it would be to configure Reaper!) and drop MC. If there had been (1) an acknowledgement of the bug, and (2) a ticketing/tracking system so I knew it was being looked at, I would have been much happier.

So ultimately the forum works in some ways, but IMO there should be more robust systems for genuine issues.


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Re: POLL: Quality of JRiver's Forum Support
« Reply #55 on: February 21, 2018, 08:07:39 am »

For my few queries on this forum, in a nutshell, EXCELLENT!

Fast, detailed and relevant / on topic!

Three cheers to all contributors!  ;)


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Re: POLL: Quality of JRiver's Forum Support
« Reply #56 on: February 21, 2018, 10:02:21 am »

I agree.  Over the years, we've had several people take the lead.  AlexB was another one.  blgentry too.

I remember 6233638 as a valuable and knowledgable member.


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Re: POLL: Quality of JRiver's Forum Support
« Reply #57 on: February 21, 2018, 10:04:36 am »

I remember 6233638 as a valuable and knowledgable member.
I agree.  He's back under a different name.  He's been very helpful.


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Re: POLL: Quality of JRiver's Forum Support
« Reply #58 on: February 22, 2018, 12:06:44 am »

Hi Jim

I think the fact your asking shows the level of care and respect for users needs and I agree with a lot of what's already been said.

The key things I think that could improve support:

1.  A Bug tracker
2.  Better local forum search
3.  Better retention of valuable posts
4.  An updated wiki - though I think there are other avenues that can potentially compliment the wiki even as it is today without rewriting it or updating it - Wiki's are a 20 year old invention.
5.  A youtube support channel with common questions asked videos.  Video is a stronger medium than a wiki, particularly for complex software and beginners.
6.  Embed an obvious link somewhere on the opening page of a new installation or, automatically launch a link to a "getting started" youtube channel or video.
7.  Allow community submitted videos to the youtube channel for review and approval
8.  Create a standard support request form - eg
9.  Add real-time chat to Simple Machines and have a who's online -
10.  Use an AI BOT in chat that attempts to answer the question based on common questions
11.  and the last one...

I'd like to think as a Beta member that I could offer more to support the community, but I dont have time to watch and subscribe to all posts in the forum.  We all get busy with our own lives and sometimes I don't get back here for weeks at a time.
But I do like to help when I see something I can help with and when I have the time.

What about a volunteer system where people that want to help can offer to get notifications based on a hashtag or metadata support system?
Volunteers can opt-in to receive notifications about a particular hashtag or metadata subject.
Have a sticky post that defines the common hashtag support areas. The side benefit of this hashtag metadata is that you then also have an easy way to search for relevant previous support questions. (Afterall MC library is built on metadata fields, doesnt it make sense to define standard support hashtags in the same way for the forum?)


Hi I have a problem playing a video via DLNA to my TV. Can someone tell me where I can check these settings or what I need to check?

#DLNA #TV #Video


Example Hashtags feature for SMF - dont know if it works the way I've described but at least some functionality is possible.

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