I just recently (last month) made my first JRiver purchase (a master license for MC 23) and have mostly been quite happy with it thus far. I've been a Mac guy for many years and most of my music listening during that time has consisted of listening to copies of CDs that were ripped into iTunes using the Apple lossless format. There is also a much smaller number of songs that I've downloaded directly from the iTunes store.
After downloading MC 23, I imported all these Apple lossless files into JRiver and, for the most part, they seem to play fine. Many of the iTunes downloads, however, MC 23 can't seem to play. These songs show up as "m4p" files and typically have low bitrates around 128 kbps. When I click on the first album track, I sometimes hear a quick popping noise and then MC 23 quickly cycles down each track listing, in order, not playing any music, until it gets to the last track, at which point it just stops.
Are these files simply not compatible with MC 23, or is there some adjustment I could make that would alleviate the problem?