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Author Topic: Request: support macOS Native Full Screen and use it for video/Theatre View  (Read 1540 times)


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I'm a long-time Windows MC user but am now using macOS on a daily basis on a Mac Pro, running High Sierra 10.13.3.  I'm pleased to find MC functions just like on Windows, a few minor UI issues aside.

In that regard I have a request: could you implement native Full Screen support, and have the option to switch to it automatically when a video is displayed full screen, or Theatre View is enabled.

I have multiple monitors, and use the Mission Control option "Displays have separate spaces".  This causes an issue when an app or video goes full screen without using native Full Screen:  when the full screen video window is active, the menu bar disappears from all other monitors unless/until a window on another monitor is made active. Worse, activating a window on another monitor (which is necessarily also on another Display) causes the menu bar to be super-imposed over the full screen video/Theatre View.

In practice this means that whenever I have a full screen video playing and am concurrently using other windows - which is a lot of the time - the full screen video always has a menu bar superimposed over its top.  And when I do have the video active, I can't see the menu bar on any screen, so can't see the clock and other informational icons I have in the Menu.

Photograph showing the Menu over the top of a full screen video.

This isn't unique to MC, it also happens in Firefox which doesn't automatically switch to native Full Screen when a video is full-screened (unlike Chrome and Safari).  However in Firefox I can work around it by first manually putting Firefox into native full screen and then full-screening the video.  In MC I can't without native full screen support.

There's also another benefit to native full screen: in Mission Control it moves the app/video out onto its own Space/Display.  Therefore it's possible to switch back and forth to it specifically, separate from other apps and Desktops.   In fact an ideal solution would be if MC generated a new window for the video, which then went Full Screen.  That would allow concurrent use of the MC UI by switch between Spaces - this is what Safari does.

So it would be awesome if MC could add support for native full screen.  Just the ability to manually put it into that mode would allow the workaround I describe above, but ideally if an option could also be added to enable automatic switch to native full screen for video playback and Theatre View, that'd be even better.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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MC23 development is over and work is starting on MC24.   I posted a request for this in the MC24 forum (for Windows, Mac, and Linux) a few days ago.  Please take a look:,114750.0.html


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MC23 development is over and work is starting on MC24.   I posted a request for this in the MC24 forum (for Windows, Mac, and Linux) a few days ago.  Please take a look:,114750.0.html

Yeah I know.  But without a macOS-specific 24 forum, I thought it better to put it here than in a Windows forum.  But I guess it could be looked at either way.

I will add to your post and re-post mine in the macOS 24 forum when it exists (personally I wish it could be created now, even before builds are out, so this problem goes away.  Seems undesirable to be making posts either in the v23 forum, or else in the Windows forum which won't be relevant once the macOS forum is created.)
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