Consider this view, Artist-Grouped/Artist/Album/Name
The display confuses me. Artist-Grouped, makes sense, then comes artist and I see all my arists in sorted order. But when I get to Album, I would expect to see the AC/DC albums, then the Adams, Bryan, and then the Aerosmith albums and so on, I would expect the Album listing to follow the Artist listing. Same with the Name pane, it's totally sorted, but I would think it should follow the Album pane.
I was somehow expecting it to follow the grid display at the bottom, but it doesn't.
Then again, if it did, then it would have to follow the sort order we've defined for the grid display...
I'm having trouble with the value of the panes for the reasons listed above. However, I think I am just missing something, can anyone explain the value of all this?
Think about it, if I double click an artist in the Artist pane, would I want all the songs on all the albums to play in sorted order??? That's what it does. In the old tree, if I double clicked on an artist, it would play all the tracks for that artist in the sort order I defined, now I seem to lost that feature, did I?
I know I can highlight all the tracks in the grid display, which still follows the sort order, but that's way more work than what I had before. When I want to "play" an artist, I can't imagine wanting to play it in alphabetical order, which puts track order way out of whack. Other than highlighting all the tracks in the grid pane, how can I play an artist in album order, rather than track alpha order?
I just think I am missing something. I have not been using 9.1 long, so help me out to understand what I am gaining? I read others that like it, so what am I missing?