I decided to try this remote this morning... wow, it actually works pretty well! This is the first remote that I've used that supports gapless playback, which is a plus when listening to Pink Floyd albums for example. But I've got some feedback including one issue, an issue/request type of thing, a couple questions and a straightforward request. I've noticed two issue thus far, which the first one is kinda a deal breaker at the moment...
- I can't use my finger to seek in the progress bar (by dragging around). Instead it pops up a little menu with seeking X amount of seconds options.
This is actually pretty annoying, as I'm very used to using my finger to drag and seek within songs. It's just fast that way, IMO. I do like the seeking options though, but still, much faster by dragging. This next one is more of a request than an issue.
- When scrolling down the list of artists, it takes me a long time to get down to the bottom. In JRemote, it has scrolling that becomes faster (then jumps to letters of the alphabet, allowing me to scroll down to the bottom faster). Is something like this possible with this remote? It'd really help, since I have nearly 1000 artists in my library.
This can be mildly annoying, to be honest. First world problems, eh?
Now a couple questions...
1. I have my media network setup to "Don't convert audio", so the remote shouldn't do this either, right? Yet, High is the highest conversion quality available for audio so I'm not sure if it's converting regardless of the option, so there's some confusion there. Having "Original" as an option for the quality (even if it's simply placebo) might address any confusion there (kinda goes with Schmengie's idea above, which makes sense). I guess I could simply add flac to the list of file types to NOT convert? IMO, it's confusing.
2. (I know there's very little chance, e.g. a snowball's chance in hell) and I can't believe I'm asking this... but I'm wondering if this could possibly be ported to Windows as a UWP type of app? Reason being, I've got some cheap Windows 10 tablets, which could make perfect use of being a remote for MC. Panel works, to an extent (which hopefully improves in time), but having a dedicated app for that makes sense. However, from a software developer's point of view, investing time, money and effort in a platform that's more-or-less on life support (at least Windows 10 Mobile) for very little gains, it doesn't make much sense. But just asking anyways, even though I can guess the answer.

Finally, a request...
- Kinda goes along with the "don't convert audio" subject above, know how when playing back audio in JRemote, it has a little icon showing the type of audio playing (e.g an orange FLAC button)? Yeah, that. It would be VERY useful and aesthetically pleasing as I get a warm fuzzy feeling seeing FLAC being sent over DLNA and playing back on my phone.

This remote has inspired me to consider finally implementing my plan of getting a NUC (or an IdNuc) with either Linux or Windows on it, installing MC on it, cloning my music library that's stored on my main computer to a new hard drive (so it is on its own device, and I won't need my PC turned on to play music to my phone, for example) and using this remote for dedicated music playback/DLNA renderer around the house at any time of day. I've been procrastinating about it though, because lack of gapless playback over DLNA to my handheld devices was the main deal breaker (was hoping it'd come in Gizmo, JRemote or eos), but this remote solves that issue.