Try selecting a different audio track while playing (if available) to see if it helps. You could also try disabling the "Decode audio" option in Settings. Note that MO doesn't do anything special for DV - ExoPlayer handles the playback.
I was not able to select a different audio, because the title itself does not load.
However within MO itself twice I have to toggle "unsupported audio" . Each time no picture, until I decided to unplug the HDMi cable from the tv and the soundbar(Sony).
Then I was able to make it give me video, but no sound.
Well, I then shut off the Nvidia shiled Pro, tv and Soundbar.
After restarting, I was able to load G.I Joe, Rise of cobra.
During this time, on/off restarting, The G.I Joe Retaliation had no problem loading and playing.
Well, It looks like Rise of cobra can load and play sound as of now.
As a result of this, I can use the Sony Tv's remote to control the volume, and the Soundbar's remote can be used to contol the volume also. Before both remotes do not work in tandem.
So I am reporting SUCCESS.
But I do not know how long it will last.