My content is 720p comcast tv channels, a few 1080p channels, and a few 480p channels. I am passing signal through a Denon 4k receiver to a Sony 4k HDR Tv. I do NOT have any need for 3D or HDR. With the GT640, I just used basic settings like output @1080p with cubic scaling. Now that I have the GTX1060 6GB, looking for help/advice.
1. madvr sees the AVR fine. I manually added the Tv, but it has no identification or EDID etc. Is that ok?
2. I have tried the latest nvidia drivers, but run into bad frame dropping and strange exclusive mode issues. So far, I have gone back to 388.59 to get the frame dropping stabilized. Have not tested exclusive mode yet. Is anyone able to run the newer drivers?
3. I bumped chroma/image upscaling to Lanzcos which looks really good to me. Wondering if I can push that some more? Any suggestions?
4. Right now, letting my tv (Sony XBR-Z9D) upscale 1080p to 4k looks pretty darn good. Can the GTX1060 handle bumping output to 4k? Can I leave the desktop at 1080p and make madvr switch to 4k only when playing video? If I do that, does the theater view GUI show up in 1080p or 4k? Exactly what madvr settings need to be changed/added to make that happen? Is it worth it? Should I just leave it at 1080p and focus on scaling/processing?