So the album with the 3 bonus tracks plays with the volume adjustment turned down more. Which means that the 3 bonus tracks have a higher average loudness than the rest of the album.
No, that's not correct.
The three extra tracks on the download version(s) have lower average loudness than the rest of the album.
This means they ends up playing louder than the CD.
MC is doing what it's programmed to do at the moment, yes.
You're proposing to override that and make the target loudness higher by ignoring those tracks. So they would play loud enough to be above the target value. Do you want that? For those bonus tracks to play louder than the target? Or do you not want to play those tracks?
I want MC to ignore the 3 bonus tracks so the album plays at the same level as the CD.
I understand some manual intervention would be required.
I would need to mark those 3 tracks to be ignored regarding Volumn Leveling when playing the album.
If you don't want to play them, or you think they aren't part of the album proper, then you might just re-tag them with an album name that's something like "Inoculum CD Bonus Tracks". That way they are a separate entity. They won't play with the main album and they won't be part of the average loudness calculation for the album.
I do want to play them and they are part of the album proper.
The reason they are not on the CD is that a single CD is not large enough to store them.
So the CD is not the album proper.
TOOL have offered them as a separate MP3 download with a download code.
They are not bonus tracks as they are scattered throughout the album; they are not the last 3 tracks on the album.
But regardless, I think the digital download version(s) of TOOL - Fear Inoculum play too loud because of the 3 extra tracks.
They don't match up well with other music that has been mastered to a similar loudness level e.g. the CD version of TOOL - Fear Inoculum.
And further to this because they're playing too loud that has an affect on the JRiver MC
LOUDNESS compensation.
So not only do the download versions of TOOL - Fear Inoculum play louder than the CD version they also play with more JRiver MC
LOUDNESS applied.