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Author Topic: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings  (Read 4017 times)

rec head

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So I thought that setting up a separate User in Windows and using different version of MC would allow me to use different settings but it doesn't.

I thought it might be the easiest way to get 3D working on my 4k setup. We don't watch 3D often so having to login as another User isn't a problem. The plan was to get all 2d MadVR settings in MC24 working great in my normal User account. Then I would go to the 3D User account which would have the Windows screen resolution already set to 1080 and use MC23 only for 3D. It turns out that the MadVR settings are shared between the different user accounts so MadVR upscales the 1080 3D content to 2160 or greater and I lose 3D. Is there any way to have separate settings between User accounts? Switching resolutions for playback gives me lots of little problems like weird font size changes and window size changes and would like to avoid that which was why I tried the new User account. Then I would have one setup always in 2160 and one in 1080.

I also looked into setting up a new Zone but that uses the same MadVR settings too.

Any thoughts?



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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2018, 02:12:19 pm »

try a dual boot
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rec head

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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2018, 05:00:14 pm »

Wouldn't I have to partition my drive and buy another copy of Windows?


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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2018, 05:15:16 pm »

well you would need to add a partition (that don't have to affect your current boot) and I think you could just use the current key you have for windows now....I have never done this with the same op sys but I don't know y it wouldn't mind you I still use W7 I want nothing to do with 10 or 8 but I have four machines and 2 of them dual boot one into 10 and the other into 8.1 just so I can keep up with it. other wise I'm always on 7....It was just a thought for you, maybe someone will chirp in with a better idea....GL
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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2018, 05:20:23 pm »


rec head

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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2018, 06:06:53 am »

Yes I have profiles set up for upscaling different resolutions of 2d. One of my problems is that switching resolutions messes up a lot of other things. Like MC's and some Windows font sizes getting changed.


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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2018, 06:23:14 am »

I think it loads settings.bin if the registry keys are not present so you could delete those registry keys and use user specific bin files

RD James

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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2018, 06:38:16 am »

Yes I have profiles set up for upscaling different resolutions of 2d. One of my problems is that switching resolutions messes up a lot of other things. Like MC's and some Windows font sizes getting changed.
Set your desktop to whatever resolution you're switching to, and change Windows' scaling for it.
Log out and back into your account and you should never see things changing like that again.

rec head

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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2018, 10:39:01 am »

Set your desktop to whatever resolution you're switching to, and change Windows' scaling for it.
Log out and back into your account and you should never see things changing like that again.

So you're saying is:
Change to 1080p resolution and 125% zooming.
Log out.
Log in and change back to 2160 and 150% zoom.
Log out.
Now whenever I'm in either of those resolutions I'll have the correct zoom?

One more question: Make the changes in Windows 10 settings or Nvidia? I think the zooming is only in Windows settings.

rec head

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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2018, 10:41:07 am »

Are you aware madvr supports profiles?

I also haven't figured out how to get MadVR to change the screen resolution from what I'm normally running, 2160, to 1080 for 3D to work.  I have an idea but any advice would help.

Thanks everybody.

RD James

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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2018, 11:28:20 am »

So you're saying is:
Change to 1080p resolution and 125% zooming.
Log out.
Log in and change back to 2160 and 150% zoom.
Log out.
Now whenever I'm in either of those resolutions I'll have the correct zoom?

One more question: Make the changes in Windows 10 settings or Nvidia? I think the zooming is only in Windows settings.
You want to keep one zoom level so that it is not changing with the resolution.
Though things are improving, changing the zoom level without logging out and back in can cause scaling issues for many applications.
In my case, it was a slightly different issue.
I use NVIDIA's DSR to render games at resolutions like 9976x4176 for extremely high image quality on a 3440x1440 display.
The problem is that when selecting a resolution that high, Windows was setting the scale to 300% which broke a lot of things without logging out and back in.
The solution was to set the desktop to 9976x4176 (rather than the game) and set the scale in the Windows display settings to 100%. After that, whenever I changed the resolution in a game, the scale stayed fixed at 100% for everything below that resolution and there were no more scaling problems.
So if you typically want to run 3840x2160 at 150% scale, you should also set 1920x1080 to 150% scale so that the scale does not change when the resolution changes.
I'm not sure about switching resolution for 3D content.
Is there a reason you are wanting to set the resolution to 1920x1080 for that? I thought that side-by-side rendering (1920x2160 per eye) resulted in better image quality on 4K displays - especially since it bypasses the 24Hz limit.

rec head

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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2018, 11:47:41 am »

Thanks. I'll play with the zoom.

AFAIK the TV only accepts 1920x1080 max for 3d.

RD James

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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2018, 11:56:09 am »

Thanks. I'll play with the zoom.

AFAIK the TV only accepts 1920x1080 max for 3d.
With side-by-side rendering, it's a 2D signal that is sent to the TV, which is made 3D when you activate the feature on the TV.
I suppose it may not be an option for all of them though.

rec head

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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2018, 04:26:55 pm »

I think it loads settings.bin if the registry keys are not present so you could delete those registry keys and use user specific bin files

Can you please explain further. I don't even know where to start with that.


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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2018, 04:30:04 pm »

Can you please explain further. I don't even know where to start with that.
My thought was to create a settings.bin for each user, name each one <username>.bin

Then write a script that does something like the following when a user logs in

- delete all madvr registry keys
- (in madvr dir) copy <username>.bin settings.bin

alternatively you could export the settings from the reg and then import that on login instead

rec head

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Re: Question about Different Windows User Accounts and MadVR Settings
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2018, 04:46:10 pm »

Thanks for the response.

I think this might be more my speed: "alternatively you could export the settings from the reg and then import that on login instead"

So the process would be this?:
1) logon as 4K User (the normal user account I use)
2) open regedit
3) export the file
4) logon as 3D User
5) make all madvr changes I need to get 3D working
6) open regedit
7) export the file
8 ) log back in 4K User
9) open regedit
10) import the 4k settings file
11) same as above for 3d.
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