More > JRiver Media Center 24 for Linux
Installing or Restoring a License on Linux
--- Quote from: Awesome Donkey on December 06, 2018, 10:59:58 am ---This was a issue in early MC24 build but was fixed in newer MC24 builds. I'd recommend switching from the stable channel to the latest channel and installing 24.0.64. Reason being is the older MC24 builds will lose registration after kernel updates.
Even though it's on the latest channel, 24.0.64 has been pretty stable.
--- End quote ---
I just updated stable to 24.0.42.
It's the last pre-chromium build and has the fixed licensing code.
Thanks very much guys.
I knew about the registration issue on early Linux builds, but thought it only applied when MC was upgraded and not more generic kernel updates.
Perhaps I didn't read close enuff.
Awesome Donkey:
--- Quote from: bob on December 06, 2018, 11:22:46 am ---I just updated stable to 24.0.42.
It's the last pre-chromium build and has the fixed licensing code.
--- End quote ---
That works. :D
Never mind, it finally took the new license.
I purchased an upgrade which worked fine on Windows MC24 install, but when I tried the linux version it stated that license is for a different version.
Did I miss a install instruction?
Thank you
Awesome Donkey:
Make sure you're using the latest version, 24.0.69.
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