Adam, I did reply to your post on the myHTPC forum...
For the curious here, I'll answer your questions here too
I left some posts about your plugin for you at the myHTPC forum. It is looking very good but I have a couple of issues.
One is it possible to display video in a window like the WMP 9 plug in does.
This is already possible. Basically you have to set MC9.1 to start in windowed mode and be always on top, and adjust the visualisation to show video. You also need to configure the plugin to use MegaME (The first two parameters in myHTPC_configure should read '0' and 'Yes', IIRC). clicking the full screen button should bring MC in full screen (MC9 might steal focus when going to full screen... with a mouse or some girder magic, it should be possible for myHTPC to get the focus back)...
MC's visualizations do not show any cover art under the plugin.
They should (might be some issue with the plugin, or the fact that some visualizations are not initialized correctly in windowed mode)... If it works in windowed mode in MC9, it should work in the plugin (unless there's a bug, of course
Any way to force MC to clear playing now when a new track is added? Possibly as an option but at the moment if you add a new track to playing now it starts playing again from the beginning of the list
... hmm, this looks strange, as my experience is different (I left the third myHTPC setting for the plugin empty so as not to reset the playlist each time MC starts, which might explain the difference). I can add tracks to the end of the playlist while others are playing and this doesn't disrupt the sequence (I tried adding single tracks or full albums without trouble). It's not possible to add an option in a myHTPC plugin to clear the playlist each time a track is added, and you'll have to press [clear queue] to do this before making your selection...
Might be nice to allow MC to load in MEGA ME in the background but then when it comes to playing switch it to show the display window only using the mjextman commands. This might be a solution to 1...
You can have mega me (in windowed mode only). I could make the full screen button bring up the real MegaMe in full screen mode as an option (some people might like it, instead of the current full screen...). I could also do the same with hairstyle for a more consistent look... Unless MegaME can be set to be always on top in a non maximized way, these are the only options to prevent MC from stealing focus.
I'm not sure what you mean with mjextman, and if it matters (the plugin doesn't use mjextman...).
I hope this makes sense... keep the feedback coming