As requested by Jim I have started a new thread to explain the new DX Host feature and to tell YOU how it could be helpful
Basically anyone who use Audio programs like Cubase/Logic/Sonar or Acid will know about the existence of plugins. In audio program terms there are two main camps when it comes to plugins. Cubase mainly uses VST plugins. Most other programs use Direct X plugins. What the direct X Host allows you to do is to create chains of dx plugins to play your music through. This means that the potential for your listening is unlimited. Anyone who has any of the above programs installed on their system will find they have already got some DX plugins installed.
As an example I have just added my Sonic Foundry 20 band Parametric EQ into my chain meaning I now have a 20 band eq as opposed to MCs built in 8 band one. Result: much more tweakabnility of my sound. I could also add a compressor, or chorus or whatever else I want to improve my sound. DX plugins are freely available on the net or can be bought...
Hope this explains to everyone how useful this function will be... Any one want to know anything or would like some sample plugins to play with let me know