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Author Topic: Sidecar Files don't get created or updated when Media Sub type Tag is changed  (Read 600 times)


  • MC Beta Team
  • Citizen of the Universe
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  • Posts: 1476

This is an old issue.  I use the Media Sub type to tag my imported home Videos from cameras, phones etc...
It usually imports these videos as TV SHows and also creates season and episode numbers.  Ideally it won't but that's not the issue here as I can create custom tags on import to resolve this.

See more here:,109320.msg757026.html#msg757026)

Reason of my post here is it should modify or create sidecar files when any of the tags are changed for videos (Media Sub Type in my case...)
Workaround I currently use is to change the other tags (such as Season and Epsiode that I leave blank) or force an update from library on those files.


  • MC Beta Team
  • Citizen of the Universe
  • *****
  • Posts: 1476

And when re-running an import with the newly updated sidecar files on another PC with the same files mirrored on that other PC MC24 will not see the updated changes done on the sidecar files...
So an update Library (from tags) is required...
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