I'm thinking I'm going to double down on MC and import all my many photos on top of my current audio files. On top of family photos, I'd include in that various photos of musical artists and historical events.
At a minimum, I'd do that and just have that part of the library. Real simple. But, beyond that, where to play next?
I recall some posts from Alex B, if memory serves, where he lays out some nice tricks for putting photos in album folders and having those photos among those that would appear as a slideshow when the songs in that folder play. I have a nice "All Media" view set up long ago but only now hoping to take the time to go back and finish executing on what he laid out.
So, a couple thoughts/questions, if folks have input they wouldn't mind sharing? I'd appreciate any creative or practical thoughts.
1) Anybody go all-out on this idea and want to share some success stories linking music and photos, beyond what I'll likely find when searching back on his posts and the associated wiki links?
2) I'm especially interested in the most specific level of association available. For example, I suspect that I'll learn that by putting photos in an album folder that those photos will tend to appear when ANY song in that folder plays. And that there is NOT a way to force a photo to only a particular track in that folder? Any creative approaches to at least linking a photo to just a song?
In a perfect scenario, I'd be able to associate a particular photo to a particular time point in a particular track. Think of the Soundcloud interface where you comment at a particular spot in a song ("love the drum roll here"), and the song's timeline had a marker to signify there was a comment there--in terms of how specific an association could theoretically be created. Here in MC, I'm thinking it could be cool to have certain photos come up at meaningful exact times as songs would play--Lou Reed mentions J. Jackson in "New York" and his picture comes up right on cue. Lou "name-drops" like 30 people on that album so exact links on cue throughout that album would be pretty impactful.
Thanks for any ideas, as I move into the realm of having photos part of the library.

Advanced timeline linking of photos to specific songs' timepoints is definitely a feature I'd be willing to upgrade (again) for, by the way, if there was other interest in such a thing. Thank you.