When browsing albums in thumbnail view (album grouped) I want to get the track list of the particular album and I do not find an easy way to do so.
For example:
I'm browsing a view scheme Artist/Album. When I get to a particular artist in the tree and click on it, the thumbnails of the albums (grouped) appear on the right panel. At this point, what I would like is an easy way to browse the tracks of each album by highlighting the thumbnail. If I put the cursor over the thumbnail I get the tooltip with the track listing, which is great, but, unfortunately I cannot click on it to select a single track to play.
I tried editing the view scheme so that "Name" is the last part of it... This way I can have all the information in the tree but it's not very comfortable to use when you have artists with an important number of albums.
I would like to be able to do something so that highlighting one of the thumbnails I could get to view the list of the tracks in the right panel and select some of them to play. It would be great if highlighting the album and right clicking on it, a new editable window with the tracks appeared. I think it could be done in two ways:
1.- As it does when you right-click and go to properties and the properties panel opens.
or, maybe in an easier way...
2.- The thumbnail view automatically changed to detail view but "filtered" for the precise album and not showing all the albums.
I don't know if I'm missing something obvious. How do you do that? Any help will be very much apreciated.
Thank you.