I clearly don't fully understand where MC keeps it's tagging info. Lately I've been hard at work cleaning up some badly tagged files. I use my desktop PC for this, but mostly play the files off two servers. I use SyncToy to synchronize the two libraries, but the tagging info doesn't seem to travel. Even on the same PC, I have trouble getting MC to make use of the new tag info. For example, I had a reggae box set that was just ripped as tracks with no artist info and not broken into CD's, just all the first CD tracks were track 1, second was track 2, etc and there was no artist info at all. So I laboriously entered all the artist info and broke it into three CD's with the correct track #'s and I still couldn't get it to show up in Various Artists on the Artist tab. I could see it was in the Various Artists File on the File Tab, but despite it saying the CD's were by Various Artists, they still wouldn't show up.
And trying to get that info across the network is still a struggle. Using the Synchronize Libraries command worries me, because I'm not sure if the bad data will overwrite the good data, but I did cross my fingers and try it, but I couldn't see where it did anything.
So what am I not understanding? Is there a file in the JRiver MC24 folder that I should be synchronizing?
Thanks much,