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Author Topic: Sony Walkman  (Read 2548 times)


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Sony Walkman
« on: July 18, 2018, 01:49:45 pm »

I have looked at the various resources but cannot seem to find what I am looking for.  I just purchased a Sony Walkman and want to manually add a few files.  That is I never want to sync just add files that I want.  Tried  dragging and dropping one album into the action center, but then I see many other files ready for sync.  Very confused


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Re: Sony Walkman
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2018, 01:54:25 pm »

I just upload files to my sony walkman using windows explorer.


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Re: Sony Walkman
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2018, 02:02:46 pm »

Try setting up the device under Handheld options.

You can delete whatever you don't want to sync from the files shown when you sync.


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Re: Sony Walkman
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2018, 02:20:03 pm »

If you want to send just a few albums to your sony using MC then right click on the albums and select send to device and choose the sony from the list. I think you must have been on the handheld sync page and clicked sync without selecting any specific items - so MC is sending the whole shebang to your Sony.


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Re: Sony Walkman
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2018, 03:36:46 pm »

Did you have music files on the sony before you started the sync?

You can go to the handheld sync page and cancel the sync. If you then open the walkman in windows explorer you can delete the files on your walkman there. Then go to the handheld page and hover over its name at the top of the page, then select rebuild database from the drop down list.


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Re: Sony Walkman
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2018, 02:15:01 am »

Originally posted under:  "JRiver Media Center 24.0.19 -- Available Here" on: 27 April 2018.  Edited and re-posted here under Sony Walkman in the hope that somebody notices.

I am very pleased the 64 bit version now works with Sony Walkman NWZ-E436F media player. However, I wish to report some bugs with MC24's management of files on the Walkman. The following relates to using the "Sony Walkman" device under the "Drives & Devices" section of the tree.

1) MC24(64bit) cannot delete playlists from the Walkman - even when the playlist is already empty.  It is necessary to use Windows Explorer to delete any playlist from the Walkman.
2) A playlist modified on the computer cannot be over-written on the device - probably because the old file cannot be deleted. Playlists have to be deleted manually (using Widows Explorer) before a modified playlist (using the same name) can be successfully saved to the handheld device.  Additional media files included on the new playlist are copied to the device during sync, but these do not appear on the Walkman's playlist - presumably because the Walkman's old playlist is not overwritten.
3) Audio files cannot be deleted from the Walkman by accessing the names via a playlist saved on the Walkman. However the filename will be removed from the playlist.   A message says "Deleting" and the playlist is modified, however the file reported as deleted remains on the handheld. Refreshing the main "Details" list (updated from the handheld) indicates that the "deleted" files are still there.  Fortunately, media files can be selected and successfully deleted via the main "Details" list, so this bug or  is merely an occasional inconvenience.

MC24(64bit) should be able to provide a working interface to the simple file management operations mentioned above, but to date, deleting a playlist on this Walkman model (at least) does not work.
MC23(32bit) versions were performing satisfactorily, despite some inconvenience re-building the list of Playlists on the left panel (tree) whenever the whole list (of Playlists) disappeared from view after deleting a single playlist. This does not happen with the MC24(64bit) because it is not even possible to delete a playlist.

Windows 10 pro 64bit 1803 with updates. Kaspersky KIS. Asus Maximus VI Hero.


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Re: Sony Walkman
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2018, 03:13:32 pm »

richardc    Are you using the latest version MC 24.0.52?


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Re: Sony Walkman
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2018, 08:17:00 am »

Yes swiv3d - currently using MC 24.0.52 (64bit).

I update almost every time there is new version, because I'm hoping for some change in this corner of the code.  I expect that the 32bit version will still work correctly with my Walkman, but it has been some time since I removed the 32bit version of MC on the assumption that the 64bit code would have this wrinkle ironed out before too long.


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Re: Sony Walkman
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2018, 02:08:58 pm »

Just plugged my sony in - drives and devices - sony walkman - delete first of three m3u files on the walkman - bang it's gone. Added 100 files to a playlist which is also on the sony clicked sync the sony playlist has those 100 added files. I am using MC 64 bit. The idea of deleting a file by deleting a reference to it in a playlist is somewhat naive.


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Re: Sony Walkman
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2018, 09:11:26 am »

"... somewhat naive"  - Everywhere else in MC "delete" means delete_the_file.  In the context of editing lists the action is called "remove from list" in order to avoid misleading the naive.  I take your point that it may not be a bug but rather a case of a mislabelled action.

As for the inability to delete playlists, I understand that a problem usually has to be reproducible in order to track it down. Thanks for running a simple experiment. Yours works but mine does not. Am I all alone in this too hard basket?  What makes my set up different?

This 4GB Walkman is almost always filled to capacity. I am constantly removing stuff to make room for new material. Perhaps the lack of storage "headroom" has consequences.  I don't know, so I'm speculating.
The individual mp3 files tend to be large - up to one hour playtime each at 128Mb/s. They might be described as manually downloaded podcasts.

I will copy some new media files over to my laptop and use the same MC24 and Walkman with different hardware. Then I'll report back in a couple of days.


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Re: Sony Walkman
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2018, 09:29:28 am »

I must confess that my little sony has a 256gb microsd card in it so space tends not to be a problem for me. Remove from list is precisely what it does - look at the problems you could get into if remove from a playlist also deleted the music file from the hard drive - many, many angry users I would expect.


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Re: Sony Walkman
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2018, 12:48:46 pm »

You might want to check where MC is saving the playlists on your Sony, by default it creates a folder called Playlists in the root of the sony - which the sony will ignore. You need to ensure that the save pathway in the sync options is changed to Music and that you choose an M3u8 (relative path) output type for the playlist.
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