Is it possible for you to right click on the .exe file select properties>compatabilty and then select the checkbox for run as administrator? Then do the WDM install. Are you installing the wdm driver for any particular reason?
I was able to check the option with no problem (no UAC prompts), but it didn't help the driver install any.
I am trying to setup the driver so I have access to the DSP Studio effects for streaming music. The browser based solutions I've found don't seem ideal to me, though they are obviously less of a headache on the install end.
Usually Windows should ask you when a process needs to run elevated. Its possible that you turned those prompts off, in which case this won't work.
This is called "User Account Control" in Windows, so make sure its set to a relatively high level that allows applications to prompt for access.
IT sets everything up and has it reasonably locked down. I've got the "elevated" rights so that I can install software, as needed. Generally, if I get denied by UAC when trying to install something, I'm able to right click > Run Elevated and then I get the appropriate UAC prompts.
I'm getting a UAC prompt when trying to install the WDM driver, but it seems like it's either not applying to PackageInstaller.exe or else I'm actually getting denied for some reason. I've never run into this before, including on driver installs.