All, I have what I consider to be a pretty complicated setup. I play Audio, Music Videos, and DTS files, all pickable from one list.
I want a way to show that the file about to play is either normal stereo, DTS, or a video.
I have used colors to show that the track was a video using
if(isequal([Media Type], Video, 1), <font color="00aaff"> [Name], <font color="ffffff"> [Name])
So all videos in the list are Blue. I put that in the Name field.
I also use colors to show a track is DTS.
if(isequal([Channels], 6, 1), <font color="00FF00"> [Album], <font color="ffffff"> [Album])
But if I use the second expression it has to be in a different field. I chose Album, but my making Album an expression, the cool little arrow taking me back to the whole album is missing. So I want to put both expressions in one field, NAME.
I want the NAME field to be black font for stereo, blue font for a video, and green font for a dts.
Is that possible? I have tried combining them, stacking them, all sorts of tricks, and none do what I want.
I am attaching my main screen so you get what I am going for. I don't want to have to use two fields to show the two different status. (statii?
This is for Playing Now, but if it worked I would use it on the main display too. I just switched DTS to Duration, but it is too small. I want the whole song title in Green, or Blue, etc.
Thanks for looking.