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Author Topic: queue songs  (Read 4839 times)


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queue songs
« on: January 05, 2019, 11:22:22 am »

Is there a way to queue songs other than a playlist? I would like to be able to pass an IPad around using JRemote and allow my guests to queue songs to be played. I have searched around the forum and found no options.


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Re: queue songs
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2019, 11:31:45 am »



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Re: queue songs
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2019, 04:32:40 am »

I'm not sure why a playlist won't work here. Pass the iPad around and people add files. What app are you using on the iPad. JRemote has issues with playlists.



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Re: queue songs
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2019, 04:49:30 am »

In jremote select the track and then choose add to playing now - couldn't be simpler really.


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Re: queue songs
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2019, 08:36:32 am »

@fibertech:  It might be useful for you to know that JRiver MC always uses a queue to play media.  Playing Now is the play queue.  All songs (and other media like video) go through this queue.  I think JRemote is set up, by default, to replace Playing Now with the entire album when you click on an album. 

You can of course choose "add to playing now" instead, for individual songs, etc.

I've used other remotes with MC:  Gizmo (free) and EOS Remote (paid), both on the Android platform.  EOS can have options set so that the default "click" action is to add to playing now.  This is easier for situations like yours because every "click" just adds it to the queue without altering what is currently playing.  With JRemote you can do this, but it requires a few clicks instead of just one.

I can't get JRemote to connect to any of my MC servers at the moment so I can't be totally specific, but the general ideas I've outlined are definitely true.

Good luck.



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Re: queue songs
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2019, 01:45:14 pm »

Thank you all for the great replies. I will start messing around with what was suggested in here. Thank you again.


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Re: queue songs
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2024, 05:25:47 pm »

I've been using MC since 2010 and consider myself a very advanced user. I had no idea the Add to Playing Now feature was available with Gizmo. It is not intuitive at all and even after reading the post above, I spent 30 minutes figuring out how the Playing Now queue works. Within Gizmo, you have to press and hold the song you want to add to the queue and a drop down menu appears. Even this drop down menu is not intuitive. If you are at the top of the list of songs on an album, the drop down menu is compressed and you have no idea you can scroll down to "Add" to add a song to the Playing Now queue. I found it by accident and trial and error. Worst, all it takes is one person just clicking on a song (not holding down on a song to launch the Add menu) and JRiver will add every song on the album to the queue. If your listening to a playlist and someone wants to add a song, JRiver adds the song you selected to the last song on the playlist. There is no easy way to clear the Queue from Gizmo either.

Maybe I am missing something here, but the Playing Now queue feature needs lots of work to make it intuitive and easy to use and manage. A simple suggestion would be to add an easy to use menu option when a song is clicked with a few selections: Add to Queue,  start new Queue or clear Queue would be some suggestions. There is no reason to add an entire album to a Queue as JRiver does now. We might as well go back to playing CDs or LPs if we want to hear an entire album.

I think the scenarios where people are entertaining or simply listening themselves and want to build a queue on the fly just like with the old school Juke Boxes are a very common scenarios. JRiver is a very powerful media center, but it needs a simple Juke Box function that even the non-technical people can understand and use.
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