First, you really should remove your Public IP Address and your JRiver Access Key from your posts above, as it is inviting people to take advantage. Comcast does seem to be protecting you a bit, but best not to tempt people.
Second, your "TPLink Archer C9 V1" appears to be just a router, and not a modem/router. So hopefully you just have a plain Comcast modem, that doesn't include a router with a NAT in it. If your Comcast device is a modem/router, but you have decided to use your own TPLink router, then your you should put your Comcast modem/router into "Bridge Mode", which will make it act like just a dumb modem without a router. If your Comcast device is just a modem you don't need to do anything.
Third, and pretty much most importantly, you appear to be trying to wake your MC Server from outside your home network using Wake On LAN (WOL) packets. Now the way this has to work is this. When a PC is turned on and running in your home network, your router will know the MAC Address of the PC and the associated IP Address. This information is stored in the router's Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Table. When the PC is turned off the router will remember that ARP Table information for a little while, so packets from the internet can still be forwarded to the target PC for a time after the PC is shut down. But it isn't for long, as the ARP Table is regularly purged of non-current information. On my router (a Netgear), this appears to be true even if I try to set up Static Routes in the router. The Static Routes still don't allow network packet from the internet to be forwarded to a home network IP Address, because it requires the associated MAC Address, and Static Routes only link two IP Addresses. I haven't worked out how to create a Static ARP Entry, which is what is required.
So a router can forward packets from the internet to the PC using Port Forwarding, but it can't forward to a specific home network IP Address, in your case, because it will most likely not have the ARP Table records required to forward the packets when you want to wake the PC. i.e. More than a few minutes after the PC was shut down. So what you have to do is forward any WOL packets from the internet, which typically arrive via UDP on Port 9, to the home network's Broadcast IP Address, which is a special address that when used, sends the packets to every device on the network, in a broadcast. If those WOL packets are received by the Network Interface Card of a sleeping PC, which has been correctly configured to receive those packets and use them to wake the PC, then the broadcast packets will wake the correct PC, based on its MAC Address, and all is good. All other devices that receive the broadcast packets ignore them, as the MAC Address doesn't match their MAC Address.
So in order to wake a PC from outside your home network (LAN), your router needs to be able to forward WOL packets to the Broadcast Address inside the LAN. Unforunately, most consumer-level routers and modem/routers don't allow WOL packets to be sent from the internet to an internal Broadcast Address. It is a security issue.
When I want to connect to my MC Server from outside my LAN, I just set my HTPC to stay on all the time. I can then port forward all the ports used by JRiver, 52100 to 52200, as required to the HTPC IP Address. This works fine.
I've written about this before. For example, here:,117759.msg814810.html#msg814810PS: One last thought. The address you are sending WOL packets to is the Comcast URL of your router, which includes your Public IP Address in it. If you don't have a static Public IP Address from Comcast, then at some unpredictable time it may change to a different address, and then you will need to change your setup on your phone to point to that new address. Of course, you won't know that your Public IP Address has changed until a connection fails, unless you check it regularly. Frustrating.
You can get around that issue by using a Dynamic DNS Service such as to provide a fixed URL which the service then translates to your current Public IP Address. For example, could be directed to your current Public IP Address. Of course, the URL would have to be more unique than that example!

Good luck!