Okay, so you can enter the search criteria, then right-click in the search field and select "Load /Save" then "Save" to save the search, then at any other time right-click in the search field and select "Load /Save" then the name you gave the search to load it again. If you have more than one saved search criteria set, you will see a list of them.
You can load a Panes View and then load the saved search, which effectively gives you a subset of your Library based on the search, and then Panes to refine what you are looking at.
Is that what you mean? Otherwise I don't understand what you mean by "I want to be able to click on it as a search list in panes", or "How to I get a search into a search list, just not seeing it".
You may need to create a custom Panes View to do what you want, but basically what you need to do there depends entirely on how you have tagged tracks and how you store files on your drives. i.e. Folder structure. The possibilities are endless, but I assume that you picked [Filename (path)] because of the way you have named and structured folders. Some people would put some of those example values you used into their own fields, such as for Anthology and Collection. Or they may just use existing fields such a [Keywords] and [Work].
If I'm still getting it wrong, provide more information, or perhaps an image showing an example of what you want from somewhere.