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Author Topic: ComposerSort doesn't work correct with JRemote on an iPad  (Read 839 times)


  • World Citizen
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ComposerSort doesn't work correct with JRemote on an iPad
« on: January 16, 2019, 07:28:28 am »

Hi All,
I am using Tag COMPOSERSORT for a correct sort order for composers.
e.g.: "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" has a COMPOSERSORT-Tag "Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus".
In the whole list I can find it on the correct place beetween "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" and "Modest Mussorgsky".
But pushing on letter "M" at the right side of the screen brings not the correct result, sometimes it goeas to "B", sometimes to "R" etc.
note: Mozart is still an example, I doesn't work correct for all letters.

Is this a known bug or does's anybody have the same problem and can help?


I think it's the same problem described in this thread:,118465.0.html


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Re: ComposerSort doesn't work correct with JRemote on an iPad
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2019, 08:05:01 am »

It would make sense for the Alphabet navigation to use the field that controls the display sort, but I have a Composer view that works the way you want (using JRemote on the iPad). However, I've just taken some effort to enter composer names as "Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus" instead of using a ComposerSort value. You probably have a good reason for using ComposerSort, but I just found it more useful across many other views to have composer names entered as surname, given names.

I suspect the behaviour you're seeing is not random. It must be using the Composer field, or perhaps the AlbumName field.


  • World Citizen
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Re: ComposerSort doesn't work correct with JRemote on an iPad
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2019, 08:12:24 am »

That's not clear for me. As written in my first post. The view shows the correct sort order, only the letter row doesn't work correct.


  • World Citizen
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Re: ComposerSort doesn't work correct with JRemote on an iPad
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2019, 10:40:20 am »

I have done a new view with JRiverMC26 to use the new composer picture option. I use both fields. e.g.: for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart I have "Mozart" in field COMPOSER and "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" in field COMPOSERSORT. Looks a little bit strange but it works. In the view only COMPOSER and ALBUM are used. COMPOSERSORT is only used to show the full name.
But now I have another problem which I do not understand. All works fine in JRiver itself. E.G.: If I click in the letter line (above in the view) to "M" it skips to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart .....
In JREMOTE I do not longer see the vertical letter line. I have crosschecked with other views like ARTISTS or ALBUMS but can not see any difference. What have I overseen, or witch setting makes this letterline viewable again.

solved by myself....I hope so. Because I'm in a testmode (not using the whole database), I have tried it with only 15 composers. It seems that not enought to get the letters.
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