There is no entity in MC called "Album". There are only Tracks (files actually), which are grouped together by having a common value in their [album] field. So there is no way to set a delayed start to an Album directly.
What you could do though is create a silent Track of whatever length you want, and place it as Track -1 (Zero won't work) for the Album, so that it is always at the beginning. Or you could put it at the beginning of a Playlist. It would play, silently, before the first Track, and could give you the defined space in time you want.
You will need to uncheck the setting "Options > Audio > Track Change > Do not play silence (leading and trailing)", otherwise MC will just skip over the silent track quickly.
As it will be the first track in an Album listing, you will need to change the Cover Art stored in the file to the Album art, if you store such art in the file, as MC uses Cover Art from the first file in an Album generally when displaying music by Album.
You can create silent tracks using the top menu item in MC at "Tools > Advanced Tools > Audio Calibration". Select the Silence, the number of Channels you want, and the Sample Rate required. If the tool doesn't have what you need, you can always change these later using the "Convert Format" function. Click Create Files. MC will show you where the files are when it finishes. By default this function only creates one minute files. If you need longer than that, a quick Google will find a source of files for you. For example, which provide silence files up to an hour and twenty minutes.
The silent track should be the same format as the album's tracks, so no changes of playback format are required during an Album, i.e. File Type, Bit Depth, Sample Rate, number of Channels. Then it needs to be trimmed to length.
You can do all that using the MC "Convert Format" function.
First, before conversion, set the length you want the output file to be into the [Playback Range] field of the source file. i.e. For a 12 seconds track, put "0:00-0:12" into that field, without quotes.
Then set the conversion options, including the output Bit Depth (i.e 16 bit), any DSP to convert, for example, the above Anars silent mono tracks to stereo, and to set the Sample Rate (i.e. 44.1kHz). Note that you may want to save your regular DSP setup to a DSP Preset before making changes to DSP, and set up a DSP Preset for creating silent files, so that you can quickly access the setup and don't muck up your main DSP settings. You can just save and load the Presets as required.
Then convert the file. The output will be the correct length and format to add to the Album as Track -1. Copy the Cover Art from one of the existing Tracks and paste it into this new Track, if you store Cover Art in the file. Change the [Artist]. [Album], and other fields so that the Tracks appears in the album.
All done, and all using MC. Easy.