Next build:
NEW: Added "Analyze Audio" to the customize toolbar dialog.
Thanks for the suggestion 
Any thoughts on this idea below, too big for this too easy thread?
'Analyze Audio' window - How about another little menu and with options in the 'Analyze Audio' window where you can set up some quick rules to start the process automatically from just pressing newly added button to the tool bar, or right click selection and that way. Select your tracks, press the toolbar button and it will open and depending upon rules you've already set it will auto start.
Options could be for overriding all previous Analyzed files so they go again, or skip previously done files....or other options you cleaver dev peeps know about. Also, have it auto exit the window, again based on set rules - have they all successfully been analyzed, if not don't exit the window and maybe even highlight the failed files in soft red overlay ?? but if all files have completed ok, then exit. Or don't exit, so you can go check them over.
I'm currently converting albums for car playback from my library to usb stick from very high quality flacs/vinyl rips etc, and after doing that for a few hours it strikes me its time wasting to have to open the window and then move the mouse to press analyze... lazy I know, but still a good little idea I think for quickly working when your on a roll doing this sort of thing for some hours.
Once the files are highlighted and one has the 'Analyze Audio' rules set up, all one needs do is press the tool bar 'Analyze Audio' or right click that way and it will auto complete and then close the window if all the rules are met. If not, then maybe highlight the unprocessed files with a soft red overlay, if using a dark background skin (I use the adobe audition skin from deviant art). And some other highlight color for unprocessed/skipped files if using a lighter or MC default skin.
Might be a good logical step forward to have the the auto 'Analyze Audio' based on rules and then auto exit if all good.
Is this a quick thing, or a longer thing for another time. I have no idea. Just thought of it so wanted to type it down and ask before I forget.