This is easier when I'm not on my phone...
I try a duplicate list using album, artist, name AND duration to have a a strict duplicate criterion, but i do not understand why some files are in "remove" list and not in "only" list...
Think of smartlists as progressive filters...
You start off listing all audio at "D:\hubic-pamcb\musique"
This gives you all files, including duplicates and non-duplicates.
Next, you add the modifier "Only duplicates of"...
This removes all files that are not duplicates, and leaves you with a list of duplicates. That is pretty straightforward, and this, you understand.
However, when you add "Remove duplicates of"...
The way this works, is for each set of duplicates, all are removed from the list,
except one.
As your initial search of the musique directory also returns files that are not duplicates, when you instruct MC to remove duplicates, it will not remove those, as there are no duplicates of them.
you set ~dup and ~nodup with the same tags... ?
Yes. The first gets rid of everything except duplicate entries, the second further filters the list by getting rid of all but one of each set of duplicates.
in my case, i want really to delete all duplicated files <snip> and the file name is always the same with (1) or (2...) added
Build your "Only duplicates of" list...
Then, in your search field, top right of MC, enter [Filename (name)]="1/)"
Now inspect the list and delete as appropriate.
When you're done, clear the search field. The refreshed list will reduce.
Enter [Filename (name)]="2/)" in the search field, inspect and delete as appropriate.
Clear the search field... and repeat.
When you're finished, your smartlist should be empty as there will be no duplicates left.
** As you're housekeeping here, you will want either the recycle file or permanently delete file option. If you just remove from library, the file will be left on your hard drive.