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Author Topic: Scripting challenge  (Read 1524 times)


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Scripting challenge
« on: February 06, 2019, 10:32:33 am »

I’m new to JRiver and enthousiastic about it. I went through all (well, almost all) the documentation and I couldn’t figure out a mean to do something quite sophisticated that I wish could be possible. Hence the “scripting challenge”.

I have a rather large collection of music (34'000 files/tracks), mainly classical but not only. I have different smartlists based on `Keywords` that I assigned to the tracks : Ballad, Light, Concentration, Morning, etc.

It’s not too difficult to select “the 500 Light tracks least recently played”. Now, I would like to make a semi-random order of this selection. I call it “semi-random” because I would like to
  • randomly select
    • classical albums (GENRE = barock, symphony, chamber, etc.)
    • other tracks (GENRE = jazz, soundtrack, etc.)
  • listen consecutively to the tracks of the randomly chosen classical works
    • but have the works intermixed with the other randomly chosen tracks

In the end, I wish I had a playlist that looks like this, for example, each entry being a track/file :

> * barock work Z, movement 1
> * barock work Z, movement 2
> * barock work Z, movement 3
> * jazz piece M
> * soundtrack J
> * piano sonata W, movement 1
> * piano sonata W, movement 2
> * piano sonata W, movement 3
> * piano sonata W, movement 4
> * soundtrack H
> * string quartett Y, movement 1
> * string quartett Y, movement 2
> * string quartett Y, movement 3
> * string quartett Y, movement 4
> * jazz piece A
> * …

You get the idea. (A classical work is a sequence of tracks under the same ALBUM name, which is the title of the work.)

I’m asking if someone could come with a clever solution or a simple/clever workaround if it’s not feasible — and be kind enough to share it with the community.  ;-)

Thank you very much in advance !

Olivier :-{)


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Re: Scripting challenge
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2019, 05:29:21 pm »

There are probably several ways to do this.  Maybe some clever combination of album based smart lists and non album based smart lists.  I'm not sure, but it might be possible.

Another way to do this is with linked tracks.  Linked tracks is a feature that lets you tell JRiver to *always* group 2 or more tracks together.  So any time you add one of them to a playlist, or Playing Now, or a smartlist, it adds them all.

This is a good solution because it will definitely keep your tracks together the way you want, even with a randomization applied to the whole (larger) list.  The not so good part is that you have to manually set up the links.  This only has to be done once and the links stay forever.  But you do have to do it manually.

Also, once tracks are linked, they will always go together.   You can select individual tracks from a playlist, but adding one, will always add them all, in order.  I'm not sure if that is a positive or a negative for you.

Good luck.



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Re: Scripting challenge
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2019, 03:57:07 pm »

Thank you Brian.

If linking tracks works as I think it works, I think it is exactly what I was looking for. From what I understand, once I’ve linked the tracks of my classical works, I just have to select, through a smartlist, any track of a work and the player will play the whole work.

Now I have to take heart and link the movements of about 4'000 works… is there, by any chance, any mean to do this automatically ? ? ?

Another question : from what I’ve understood, if you’ve activated the level correction, the only way to have all the tracks of an album at the same level, is by starting the play from an album view. Am I correct ? Is it different once the tracks are linked ?

Thanks again,

Olivier :-{)


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Re: Scripting challenge
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2019, 02:50:02 pm »

If linking tracks works as I think it works, I think it is exactly what I was looking for. From what I understand, once I’ve linked the tracks of my classical works, I just have to select, through a smartlist, any track of a work and the player will play the whole work.

Try doing track linking on a couple of albums (maybe 5) and see if it does what you want.  If my memory serves, it will do exactly what you want.  But you should test it with a few to be sure.

Now I have to take heart and link the movements of about 4'000 works… is there, by any chance, any mean to do this automatically ? ? ?

Not that I can think of.  I'll think on it some more.  Of course it's only a few clicks per album luckily.  You don't have to touch every track.  Just select all and do the link on the whole group (assuming you want to link all tracks).  Or just select the tracks to link (3, 4, 5, or more) and then select link.

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