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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 24.0.78 -- Available Here  (Read 23963 times)


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JRiver Media Center 24.0.78 -- Available Here
« on: March 15, 2019, 08:47:20 am »

Download standard build
This is a new build of JRiver Media Center 24.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.

Download 32-bit build (works on all systems)

Download 64-bit build (works on 64 bit systems only)

24.0.78 (3/15/2019)

1. Fixed: The license upgrade could still show in the Action Window if a version 25 license was installed alongside other licenses.

24.0.77 (3/14/2019)

1. Fixed: Theater View did not work on some systems which lacked certain D3D11 components.
2. Changed: DLNA: Add dsd, dff and dsf to the SOURCEPROTOCOLINFO and SINKPROTOCOLINFO.
3. Fixed: Determine bitdepth for L24 from the extended mimetype if not included in the @res.
4. Fixed: DLNA: When a BrowseDirectChildren or Search request is received for our DLNA server, limit the response to groups of 1000 at a time. Previous builds had no limit resulting in a crash if the number of entries exceeded about 30,000. This was unusual for a Browse, more likely for a Search.
5. Changed: Updated the Chromium web engine for recent security fixes.
6. Fixed: Deleting a file from certain library views would not take effect right away.
7. Fixed: DLNA views and MCWS (for JRemote, etc) could return stale file information instead of properly updating the file list on demand.
8. Changed: The upgrade to MC25 prompt when the program checks for updates will no longer show if you have a v25 license installed.

24.0.75 (1/24/2019)

1. Fixed: DLNA: Our renderer when queried for the file URL and Metadata of a file playing in zone was providing data based on the first DLNA server conversion settings, not what was actually playing.
2. Fixed: Theater View right-click menus didn't look correct when tooltip transparency was turned off.
3. Fixed: Some malformed raw AAC audio files could not be played.
4. Fixed: The embedded web browser could show an error trying to open about:blank instead of showing a (temporary) blank page, when needed.

24.0.74 (1/17/2019)

1. NEW: Panel - Added support for saving playlists. When selecting 'Save Playlist' from the additional options menu, it will grab the list in Playing Now for the current zone and save it with the name the user provides.
2. NEW: Panel - Added an option to the settings page to set how the sub-folder count is indicated. Currently defaults to hidden.
3. Changed: Panel - Moved the shuffle and repeat buttons to the additional options menu on the Playing Now page.
4. Fixed: Fixed more cases of crashes with slightly malformed MP4 files.

24.0.73 (1/11/2019)

1. Changed: Add more info to the database for Radio Paradise. BITDEPTH, COMPRESSION, etc.
2. Changed: Don't try to make thumbnails for streaming media files (cover art still works).
3. Fixed: Don't try to run auto-import locally if we are connecting to a library server.
4. Don't try to read length on streaming files in the current zone when sending DLNA event updates.
5. Fixed: Made the /AudioCD command work.
6. NEW: Added the MCWS function Playlist/Build to take a set of file keys and a playlist path and builds the playlist.

24.0.72 (12/23/2018)

1. Fixed: Another case of MC crashing on analyzing/tagging certain mp4/m4a/mov files.

24.0.71 (12/21/2018)

1. Fixed: (Possibly fixed) MC could crash analyzing/tagging certain mp4 files.

24.0.70 (12/19/2018)

1. Changed: Added the playlist ID to the playlist view header (because you need it for some MCWS calls, etc.).
2. NEW: The playlist upload feature (including songs) is now available to any registered Media Center user. It's called "Upload to Cloud" on the right-click menu for playlists.

24.0.69 (12/17/2018)

1. Fixed: Some PLS streams would not play properly.
2. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
3. Fixed: MC could crash if one navigates in Explorer view ("Drives & Devices" > Explorer) to a folder that contains multiple un-imported mp4/m4a files (in recent builds);
4. Changed: The MCWS function File/Delete takes an optional 'Mode' parameter to delete the file from disk or recycle the file.
5. Changed: Building missing thumbnails runs multipe threads at once instead of only running a single thread at a time (the number of threads depends on the setting for thumbnailing).
6. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
7. Changed: Made Radio Paradise start faster.
8. Fixed: The "List Style" text at the front of toolbar button text could get duplicated.
9. Changed: When a view is locked, it will load the last view location at startup instead of loading the start location.

24.0.68 (12/10/2018)

1. Changed: The ANGLE Theater View backend will use Direct3D9 on older hardware (before D3D 10.1 hardware support) to improve compatibility.
2. Changed: DLNA: explicitly supply the library server (Panel) port with the presentation page URL for our DLNA renderers and servers.
3. Fixed: DLNA when authentication was enabled, the DeviceDescription.xml for Library Server couldn't be loaded on a remote MC. This means that if the server wasn't manually setup on the remote for authentication it might not show up in the server list.
4. Changed: Added support for reading/writing tag data in floating point format to Apple's Quicktime extensible format tag locations.
5. Fixed: "Rating" tag was not written to Apple's Quicktime Extensible tagging location.
6. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.42.
7. Fixed: Playback of some m4a/mp4 files was broken in recent builds.
8. Fixed: Media Center could erroneously restore itself from being minimized on ZoneSwitch or playback stop (ie. when using Theater View to launch an external application with the WDM audio driver).
9. Fixed: DLNA: Not all SSDP broadcasts were being sent from the SSDP server.
10. Fixed: Tags were not properly saved to Apple's extensible metadata tagging format.
11. Changed: The http server returns 404 instead of 501 when a resource can't be found.
12. NEW: The "Edit Disc Information" dialog shown for CDs now has the Disc # field.
13. Fixed: Non-imported files were not moved with selected media files even if "Move all files..." checkbox was checked on "Rename, Move, & Copy" dialog window, when the action was initiated in Explorer view.
14. Changed: Moving files with "Move all files in folder (including non-imported files)" checkbox checked will only skip moving files that are at "main database location".
15. Changed: "Move all files in folder (including non-imported files)" checkbox on "Rename, Move, & Copy" dialog window is renamed "Move all non-imported files in folder with selected media files".
16. Fixed: The list of fields in a smartlist would get built only one time so if you added a new field it would not appear until after a restart.

24.0.67 (12/4/2018)

1. Changed: Streamlined the code that finds network interfaces so that they are only used once upon start of the program instead of every time a socket is created.
2. Fixed: Some mp4 or m4a audio with AAC encoding could not be played with JRiver mp4 plug-in.
3. NEW: Tag-writing for MP4/m4a audio files will use Apple's extensible tagging format if the files already contain such tags.
4. Fixed: Locking and unlocking split views didn't properly save the lock between restarts of the program.

24.0.66 (11/30/2018)

1. NEW: Added the option to suppress the duplicate track warning in a playlist (Options > General > Advanced > Show duplicate file warnings for playlists).
2. Fixed: The seed parameter of the play doctor MCWS command would not load properly.
3. Changed: Made wait messages a little wider so they hold more text.
4. Fixed: Properly read the ALBUMARTIST tag from APEv2 tags in MPC files.
5. Changed: Made the MCWS call Library/List return the default library index.
6. Fixed: Playing certain WMA Lossless files could result in excessively slow buffering.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 24.0.78 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2019, 09:28:32 am »

All is good on all PC's...thanks
“I've Reached A Turning Point In My Life. I Now Realize I Have More Yesterdays Then Tomorrows”


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Re: JRiver Media Center 24.0.78 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2019, 10:40:59 am »

Thanks for the license fix :)


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Re: JRiver Media Center 24.0.78 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2019, 12:32:48 pm »

1. Fixed: The license upgrade could still show in the Action Window if a version 25 license was installed alongside other licenses.
Now Works well! Thanks!


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Re: JRiver Media Center 24.0.78 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2019, 12:44:10 pm »

Updated to .78 and it seems the thumbnail showing is broken.
Added some new CD's and imported them, cover art is added to the folder but not linked into standard nor Theater View.
Tried rebuilding, but not working.

Went back to .75 and immediately showed up.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 24.0.78 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2019, 08:31:45 am »

Seems like there should be a warning about deleting empty parent folders.  For example, I had a directory structure like this:

New Music\Artist1\Album1
New Music\Artist2\Album2
New Music\Artist2\Album3

I moved files from these folders and got a message about removing the 3 empty album directories.  It also removed the New Music and Artist parent directories which was unexpected.
-Craig    MO 4Media remote and player:  Android/TV/Auto | iOS | Windows 10/UWP


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Re: JRiver Media Center 24.0.78 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2019, 06:55:39 pm »

'Stop slideshow on manual changes' is broken.

Whether this option is checked or not, the slideshow timer will still be counting down after using arrow keys or mouse wheel to switch to a new image.

The only way to temporary stop a slideshow is to hit pause. But when you switch to next image (even while it is paused), it will start the slideshow again.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 24.0.78 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2019, 01:51:45 am »

I have a view which shows a folder in my music collection as a folder tree and accompanying file list. In the tree, if I select a folder and hit Edit > Cut, nothing happens. I'm not able to paste that anywhere else, inside or outside of MC.

Also, I previously reported a similar bug but for files. The bug is: when a file is cut from within MC and pasted somewhere, what actually happens is a *copy*, not a cut. I.e., the original file is not removed.

Another related bug: if I right click a folder and select Delete, and then elect to Send to Recycle Bin, the folder appears to be deleted inside MC but if I actually look at the folder in a file manager it's still there and contains only an image. If I repeat the same process but having already deleted the image, the whole folder is removed. I realise the "view" paradigm doesn't map perfectly to the "folder tree" paradigm but it would be useful to be able to completely delete folders - maybe, if there would be remnants, it should ask whether to delete everything or not?

Basically my goal with all the above is to be able to move my files and folders around in my collection from within MC. Cut here, Paste there, and over it goes. This would save a lot of time wasted switching between MC and a file manager.

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