Hi all
So a while back i posted this
https://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php/topic,119056.msg823302.html#msg823302and got alot of great ideas from the JRiver truly awesome community

Sadly all the things i tried didnt really create a easy workflow or even an automatic one im looking
To be more clear let me try to explain the situation which im sure (at least i hope

) isnt unique to me.
So i have latest MC (25 currently) on my macbook pro. this is after coming from year of linux (where everything automatically just worked with audio switching..)
The issue is that i change audio outputs ALOT during the day. i will be at home with a DAC connected via USB, then travel to work using BT headphones, then at work will use the internal macbook pro speakers and sometimes also use wired headphone out when visiting family.
Now it seems to me that each time i switch a output device there is NO other way currently to make MC start playing without going through the pain of tools>options>audio>manually configure the current output needed.
Now i have tried Zones as some fellow users suggested but this is just way to cumbersome..i have to manually rebuild the playlist each time, create many binds and there are many other issues
Also: and this may not be directly related it seems like each time after I disconnect my headphone in the BT headphone zone, I have to restart the music by first clearing the playlist before it will even play again (bug?)
just to compare on linux using Pulseaudio it was super east changing MC output using pulse.
im looking for any help and suggestions you guys have as this is really annoying me on daily level

Also: would love this time if some of the devs chime in...
best and thx in advance