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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 25.0.41 for Mac -- Available Here  (Read 984 times)


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JRiver Media Center 25.0.41 for Mac -- Available Here
« on: May 23, 2019, 03:30:14 pm »

This is the latest build of JRiver Media Center 25.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


25.0.41 (5/23/2019)

1. Changed: When adding a library field, the name will be fully selected so typing anything will replace it (instead of requiring manual delete).
2. Fixed: Twitter integration wasn't working.
3. Changed: German translation updated (thanks ByteStar).
4. Fixed: Scanning from WIA sources would not reliably get the image if "Skip file if already in library" was checked (applies to BMP files).
5. Changed: Reduced the minimum width of the options window.
6. NEW: Added the MCWS function Playlist/RemoveFile.
7. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
8. Changed: Made the MCWS articles function take a parameter SortIgnoreState to specify if they should be ignored for sorting.
9. Changed: Added locking to prevent a possible crash on playback start.
10. Changed: Made the minimum size of the options pages half the height of the ideal size (instead of the full ideal size).
11. Changed: Tuned the height of the remote control options page a little so it displays fully on high DPI.
12. Fixed: A possible crash from the recent change after removing a zone to show the now current zone.
13. NEW: Made it possible to pick a Radio JRiver station as a Car Radio button.
14. NEW: Panel - Bookmarks for videos, audiobooks, and podcasts will be honored.
15. NEW: Panel - Bookmarks can be set for videos, audiobooks, and podcasts by using the stop button.
16. NEW: Panel - The bookmark for the current file can be cleared by using stop while the time is at 0:00.
17. Fixed: Some Radio Paradise streams did not work when "Disable audio buffer to disk (for low powered systems)" option was used.
18. Fixed (hopefully): MC could crash playing Radio JRiver.
19. Changed: Extreme outliers from silence will not be calculated against for volume leveling values.
20. Fixed: The Cloudplay view would not save between runs.
21. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.73.
22. NEW: Added a File/Bookmark function to MCWS to get and set the bookmark.
23. NEW: Implemented cache control and range requests (for the Buffered Internet Reader).
24. Changed: Marked the expressions used in Find & Replace to not be escaped (that way slash doesn't need special treatment).
25. NEW: Added RadioParadise as an avaialble Theater View page (each page shows a list of tracks for the station).
26. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
27. Fixed: When getting the filename field in an expression, the filename slash character won't be replaced by underscores (only slashes in other fields).
28. Changed: Allow URL's with DEFINED CONTENT LENGTHS to be converted to other formats in DLNA. You may select url as a type to convert in the DLNA server Audio advanced options when SPECIFIED FORMAT WHEN NECESSARY is selected.
29. NEW: Let Radio Paradise look one track ahead on playback so it can push the next track to a DLNA renderer that supports SetNextAVTransportURI for gapless support. Since RP is range based like a cue file this REQUIRES the associated DLNA server to be set to SPECIFIED FORMAT or SPECIFIED FORMAT WHEN NECESSARY.
30. NEW: You can perform a case-sensitive search by adding ~case to the search string.
31. Fixed: MC would crash on playing video on a client, if either of the Media Network options - "Disable audio buffer to disk (for low powered systems)" or "Disable video buffer to disk (for low powered systems)", was used.
32. Fixed: When switching tabs, the search suggestions would not switch.
33. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.72.
34. Changed: Slovak translation updated (thanks Peter Lukac).
35. Fixed: Captions were not working with 2D image playback.
36. Changed: When breaking lines for lyrics, the lines will reverse find a space instead of forward find a space.  Prevents lines from truncating.
37. Changed: During lyrics lookup, AZLyrics is used third instead of second (so will rarely be accessed).
38. Changed: Made lyrics drawing use a little longer lines since it now reverse finds the line breaks.
39. Fixed: Playing Radio JRiver streams would download the MPL instead of play them (for some of the streams).
40. NEW: Page up and page down will increment files when pressed in the Tag Action Window.
41. NEW: Added "Disabled" as one of the choices for read-only authentication.
42. Changed: When editing in the Tag window, clicking another file or switching with page up and page down will keep editing the same field instead of cancelling.
43. Changed: Eating a few more junk responses from Google lyrics lookup.
44. Changed: When drawing lyrics, the lines are trimmed after splitting into lines to remove empty values (which could wrap).
45. Fixed: After uploading a playlist to Cloudplay, the remote files were showing up in main database alongside the local files.
46. Fixed: Adding cover art from a file would leave the folder locked.
47. Changed: When clicking a large edit field in the Tag window, it will ensure that the "Edit in Popup" button is also visible.
48. NEW: If you press Shift+Return in a popup editor in the tag window it will accept and close.
49. Fixed: If you were playing, then playing an image from a file manager, then stopped, the zone would not return to the previously playing zone.

25.0.34 (5/2/2019)

1. Fixed: DLNA: The SystemUpdateID wasn't being updated properly. It will now update whenever a container is viewed/re-viewed with a minimum of 5 seconds between changes.
2. Changed: Things in brackets are removed from the name before lyrics lookup.
3. Changed: Filtered out a couple more bad responses from Google for lyrics lookup.
4. Fixed: Playing ASIA and Genesis would not show good artist images.
5. Fixed: Picking "No default language" for the default audio language would not save between opens of Options.
6. Fixed: Picking "No subtitle" for the subtitle language would not save between opens of Options.
7. Fixed: Showing a page in Options that didn't have the search box after showing one that did wouldn't make the search box go away.
8. Changed: The options dialog is made taller for the Remote Control page.
9. Changed: Turned off the threaded update for CD lists to see if it helps with the CD ripping problems (please report).
10. Fixed: Radio Paradise did not play.
11. Fixed: A couple of the Radio Paradise stations did not work, so now they just switch to the main station for now.
12. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.70.
13. Changed: Updated the Hungarian translation (thanks pimpolo).
14. Fixed: Parsing an empty playlist could crash.
15. Changed: When playing streaming content, Buffering Internet Reader will remove cached contents upon stopping.
16. Fixed: When playing streaming content, Buffering Internet Reader could hang in rare situation.
17. Fixed: Buffering Internet Reader could continue downloading for a while after stopping playback.
18. Changed: Added more safety checks in an attempt to fix recently introduced crashes when playing video/audio on Library server clients.
19. Fixed: Playing Cloudplay playlists using the 'play' button on the webpage could result in duplicate tracks in MC's library - a local filename plus a remote url.
20. Fixed: Recent changes caused Buffered Internet Reader to ignore ICY metadata and other options.
21. Fixed: Deleting a pane entry now updates the panes after (before the deleted entry would remain until a refresh).
22. Changed: When running audio analysis on import, it only uses one thread at a time for the videos in the import array.
23. Changed: Movie lookups that match the IMDBId will sort to the top of the list.
24. NEW: Added the option to delete individual conversion presets.
25. Fixed: Files with a playback range could play with an unknown (live) duration instead of the proper duration.
26. Fixed: Media Center could crash randomly during playback of audio files when Lyrics are displayed.
27. Changed: Internet playback, If we have a stream and extension assume we don't need to parse the "file". Reduces file requests.
28. NEW: Flac in Ogg streams will play from File->Open URL (and also when playing as a DLNA renderer).

25.0.27 (4/22/2019)

1. NEW: Lyrics are first looked up at Google before looking at other sites.
2. Changed: Zone ID is passed to Buffered Internet Reader so that concurrent playback in multiple zones from the same URL will not interfere with each other.
3. Changed: German translation updated (thanks ByteStar).
4. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.66.
5. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
6. Changed: Revised the usage of the buffering internet reader so it only engages for the file playback and not the file analysis of tags, images, etc.
7. Changed: Lyrics can now be displayed for DLNA playback zones.
8. Changed: Spacebar in Theater View will toggle pause instead of starting playback over (if something is playing).
9. Fixed: The current track would not be shown when first loading a Playing Now view.
10. Changed: The multi-match CD dialog has a number at the front of each selection (so a match with the same artist and album will be distinguishable).
11. Changed: CD matches from the online database are trimmed before showing in the dialog.
12. Changed: When playback is started, the playing file will be displayed in Playing Now.
13. Changed: When opening the "Open URL" dialog, if a URL is on the clipboard, it will automatically be used.
14. Changed: When lyrics change as the "Display Lyrics" option is enabled, they will update within a few seconds.
15. Changed: Update the radioparadise cover art url (we were getting a permanent redirect to this).
16. Changed: Updated the Hungarian translation (thanks pimpolo).
17. Changed: Radio Paradise files shouldn't thumbnail.
18. Changed: Updated the Korean translation (thanks Junghwan).
19. Fixed: The columns in the CD / DVD list would not always properly update as actions started and stopped.
20. Fixed: The width of CD columns did not account for the monitor DPI.
21. Fixed: The blue light would not illuminate if memory playback was enabled.
22. Changed: After an import, relational fields are gone through and set on the new files.selected the next time the channel is played.
23. Fixed: Analyzing audio streams with a format change near the end of the file could result in bogus R128/ReplayGain data.
24. Changed: The tooltip for an image in the Tag Action Window will explain that the image can be saved internally by enabling the option if the art is saved externally.
25. NEW: Added the option Options > General > Advanced > Save pane selection between runs.  It defaults to off, but allows turning it on.
26. Fixed: Pressing Delete during image playback would not trigger a delete of the file (unless the list was in focus).
27. Changed: When doing a movie lookup from, the IMDBId will be used in addition to searching on the name.

25.0.18 (4/1/2019)

1. Fixed: When analyzing audio in videos, the status bar would not update properly.
2. Changed: Made the maximum height of a menu 75% of the height of the monitor instead of 50% the height.
3. NEW: Added "Analyze Audio" to the customize toolbar dialog.
4. Fixed: The right and left arrows to advance image playback was not working in all cases (between 2D and 3D viewer, etc.).
5. Changed: Made the lyrics lookup handle list style artist fields (it will lookup each artist individually until it finds a match).
6. Fixed: If a playlist to be uploaded was renamed in the action window, the new name didn't 'stick'.
7. Changed: Uploaded playlist files can be 16 or 24 bit and can have sample rates up to 192khz.
8. Changed: Increased the maximum number of choices in "Right click recent command count" to 15.
9. Fixed: The option to start a slideshow automatically for image playback was not being honored.
10. Fixed: If you were playing images, paused, then advanced to the next image, a slideshow would start again (instead of staying paused).
11. NEW: Added a "Toggle Split View" button that you can add to the toolbar to show two views then one view.
12. NEW: Added a CloudPlay tree item on the left (still under construction).
13. Fixed: Panel - Search results were not getting loaded when using an expression as the search parameter.
14. Changed: Ran all the translations through the tool to update to the latest strings from the source code.
15. NEW: You can right-click Playing Now and pick "Add Dynamic Zone..." to add a zone URL someplace on the network.
16. Fixed: Selecting to draw lyrics to a DLNA zone would crash.  Now the option doesn't even appear.
17. Fixed: Removing MP3 tags would ask about ID3v1 or ID3v2 and hang instead of asking and working.

25.0.15 (3/22/2019)

1. Changed: Made the new features help shortcut link to the MC25 thread instead of the MC24 thread.
2. Changed: Made the toolbar colors for the bottom toolbar the same as the top toolbar with Modern Cards Grey.
3. Changed: Increased the threading of thumbnail creation by the auto-import process.
4. NEW: Made audio analysis done by auto-import threaded.
5. Changed: German translation updated (thanks ByteStar).
6. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
7. NEW: Threaded the file gathering for CD list controls.
8. Changed: Deleting a library field will select the next list item instead of the first.
9. Changed: Made the default Theater View scale dependent on screen DPI, to better suit 4K displays.
10. Fixed: Panel - The browser login dialog box was appearing again when starting Panel.

25.0.13 (3/19/2019)

1. NEW: Made the build thumbnails tool threaded like other tools.
2. Changed: Made the lossy to lossless just a warning instead of disabled.
3. Changed: Adjusted the lyrics drawing a little.
4. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.60.
5. Changed: Renamed "Draw Lyrics" to "Display Lyrics".
6. Changed: Removed the left-click start of Artist Images in Playing Now.
7. Fixed: DLNA views and MCWS (for JRemote, etc) could return stale file information instead of properly updating the file list on demand.
8. NEW: Threaded the remove tags feature like other tools have recently been threaded.
9. NEW: Added the right-click command to the playing display to "Draw Lyrics" which will render the lyrics of the playing file next to the cover art.
10. Changed: Made Play Doctor better handle starting on a track with no matching artists or albums.
11. Changed: Added the memory playback status to Audio Path.
12. NEW: Panel - Added an audio device select to the settings page when the zone is set to "Player."
13. Changed: Made Find & Replace support expressions so you can, for example, find [Name] and replace it with FixCase([Name],1).
14. NEW: Panel - Added an information tab to the settings page to display some of the library server information.
15. Fixed: Several bugs in the Cloud playlist upload/download process.
16. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
17. NEW: Added MCC_MOVE_TAB (30030) to move the current tab left or right (takes a delta as a parameter).
18. NEW: Added a "Quick Search" button to the toolbar customization.
19. NEW: Added subtitle size to the OSD.
20. NEW: Added the options "Start over each album" to the "Fill Track Numbers From List Order" tool.
21. Fixed: Wavpack DSD bitstreaming wasn't working properly.
22. Fixed: Wavpack files could fail to load the date and track number in some cases.
23. Changed: Made the font size scale with the user size setting.
24. NEW: Added another site for lyrics lookup.
25. Fixed: Deleting a file from certain library views would not take effect right away.
26. Changed: Panel - The enter license option in the admin system settings page is now available on all platforms except Android.
27. NEW: The "Update Library (from tags)" tool runs in a thread and just updates the statusbar as it works (instead of blocking the program).  A cancel button also appears in the bottom toolbar area.
28. NEW: The "Update Tags (from library)" tool was threaded the same way.

25.0.10 (3/1/2019)

1. NEW: Introduced "Presets" for conversion profiles.  It loads the encoder, the encoder settings, and the DSP settings.
2. NEW: Added the right-click command to the playing display to "Draw Lyrics" which will render the lyrics of the playing file next to the cover art.
3. Changed: Made Play Doctor better handle starting on a track with no matching artists or albums.
4. Fixed: Menu navigation by pressing a key was not working on Mac.
5. Changed: Settings and Database changes are flushed to the drive more often to prevent corruption on power loss.
6. Changed: Added the memory playback status to Audio Path.
7. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.51.  It has better support for APE files larger than 2 GB.
8. NEW: Panel - Added an audio device select to the settings page when the zone is set to "Player."
9. Changed: Slovak translation updated (thanks Peter Lukac).
4. Changed: Made the test for 4k content check the width or height instead of only the width.
6. Fixed: DLNA: When a BrowseDirectChildren or Search request is received for our DLNA server, limit the response to groups of 1000 at a time. Previous builds had no limit resulting in a crash if the number of entries exceeded about 30,000. This was unusual for a Browse, more likely for a Search.
7. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.48.  It has better handling of corrupt files.
8. NEW: Added the library field "Zone Last Opened" that gets set to the zone name at playback time.
9. NEW: Added the menu command "Set Seq From Sort" to right-click on the Playing Now list headers so you can sort and then update the order to match the sorting after.
10. NEW: Panel - Added thumbnails to the file list view.
11. NEW: Panel - Added a context menu to some folders with some play options. Use a right-click with a mouse or a long press with a touch device to activate.
12. NEW: Panel - Added an option to the file context menu to delete the file from the library.
13. Changed: Panel - Removed the folder name from the folder context menu.
14. Changed: Panel - Adjusted the sizing of the folder context menu.
15. Changed: German translation updated (thanks ByteStar).
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