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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 25.0.89 for Windows -- Available Here  (Read 3218 times)


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JRiver Media Center 25.0.89 for Windows -- Available Here
« on: August 07, 2019, 12:42:17 pm »

This is a new build of JRiver Media Center 25.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.

Download 32-bit build (works on all systems)

Download 64-bit build (works on 64 bit systems only)

25.0.89 (8/7/2019)

1. Fixed: Column sizing would not be consistent on high DPI.
2. Fixed: Media Center would not respond on TLS ports since 25.0.86.
3. Fixed: Showing Theater View from a minimized program state would not always work.
4. NEW: Added the ability to add "Streaming" to the root of Theater View with a display of Radio JRiver stations and Radio Paradise.
5. NEW: Added Television Advanced Option "Order File Delete confirmation options differently from non-TV media delete (permanent delete first) in Theater View".  Default to true (current behavior).
6. Fixed: Syncing with an empty filename rule would put the extension on the file twice.
7. Fixed: Saving an empty filename rule for a handheld would not save properly.
8. NEW: Added Television Guide Option "Center channel logos or names in Theater View guide" which can be set only if "Hide channel names in Theater View guide when channel logos are available" option is on.
9. Fixed: Calls to Handheld/Sync before the handheld engine loaded devices would not work properly.
10. Changed: MC will load <plot> field from NFO sidecar files into "Description" field so users will not need to create a custom field "plot".
11. NEW: Added the command "Import From iTunes Database..." to the File Menu to import from the XML file that iTunes can save the library as.  It will import all the files and make a playlist with them.
12. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.82.

25.0.88 (8/1/2019)

1. Fixed: The ideal height of the "Rename, Move, & Copy" dialog is calculated from a layout so should be better on high DPI.
2. Changed: Made column creation use the system scale for the width so columns should be wider on high DPI.
3. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
4. Fixed: Cloudplay via PlayDoctor wasn't working right when no local library matches were found.
5. NEW: Added a 'Play' button next to the Cloudplay search box when a search term is entered.  This triggers playback of a Play Doctor playlist using the search term.

25.0.87 (8/1/2019)

1. Changed: Made the playing now playlist show this text during Play Doctor creation: Building a playlist.  Might take a minute.
2. Fixed: Tooltips could be incorrectly sized.
3. NEW: The text drawing system will now accept <img> tokens and draw the image.  Please see:,121636.0.html
4. Fixed: ATSC channel scanning could crash, if for some unknown reason MC failed to obtain needed interface pointer.

25.0.86 (7/30/2019)

1. Changed: Slovak translation updated (thanks Peter Lukac).
2. Fixed: Panel - Cover art was not loading when playing certain streams, like Radio Paradise.
3. Changed: Improved XMLTV channel parsing so different xmltv files can be accommodated.  This should fix the EPG123 channel number issue.
3. Changed: The socket write timeout is set on a per-file served basis to the duration of the file + some padding.

25.0.85 (7/29/2019)

1. NEW: Added Options > Tree & View > Advanced > Reset window position settings to reset the placement of windows.
2. Changed: Made the default height of options taller.
3. Changed: The socket write timeout to prevent hung sockets introduced in 25.0.81 (30 seconds) was too small for devices that have large buffers resulting in stopped playback in the middle of a track. Set it to 300 seconds.

25.0.84 (7/29/2019)

1. Changed: Re-implemented TV channel to xmltv ID matching routine for DVB channels as well as OpenCABLE and STB channels.  The more elaborate methods hopefully will improve matching accuracy, especially for DVB channels.
2. NEW: Added the option to stop after a delay (for going to sleep).  Look at Player > More Stop.
3. Fixed: Mixing 7.1 surround channel in 2.1 or 3.1 output mode could result in some channel being lost, instead of being downmixed properly.
4. Changed: The WASAPI and DirectSound output plugins will try to preserve the channel layout selected in Output Format instead of only going by channel count.
5. Changed: When a TV channel is being watched on a client using a server tuner, and the user enters a new channel number using a remote control or keyboard, the client will request the server to serve the new channel.
6. Changed: Tuned the show and hide times for menus so they work better on some systems.
7. Changed: Panel - Added a sign out button to the Cloudplay page.
8. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.81.
9. Changed: Update RadioParadise cover art retreival URL
10. Fixed: XMLTV EPG loading did not handle 4-digit date (year-only date) correctly, resulting in empty date field.
11. Changed: DLNA: If we are controlling a zone check it's state on 5 second intervals even if it's not the current zone (was 20 secs).
12. Changed: DLNA: For gapless playback using SetNextAVTransportURI send the next track near the end of the current playing track instead of near the beginning. This appears to help with some renderers that get confused with their track buffering code (Volumio)
13. NEW: DLNA: Added a controller option to ignore other controllers (for misbehaving renderers).
14. Fixed: DLNA: Retrieve initial volume for a renderer (was always 0 before playback started).
15. NEW: You can select a maximum play bitrate for Cloud Play files from the Play Doctor options menu (defaults to 1500Kbps).
16. Fixed: Customizing the columns of a parent view would reset the columns of a child view.

25.0.83 (7/24/2019)

1. Fixed: Media Center could crash when starting playback on older CPUs.

25.0.82 (7/24/2019)

1. NEW: The MCWS function to play JRiver Radio will accept "Try Me", "Eclectic", "Classical", "Jazz", and "Rock" as station names and play those stations.
2. Fixed: Dragging Direct Show DSP filters to a differt place in the list could crash.
3. NEW: A "Genre" filter in Standard view EPG, which takes effect if no text has been typed in the Search box.
4. Fixed: was not working properly in all cases.
5. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.79.
6. Fixed: Viewing a handheld could crash.
7. Changed: Subclarity enables for 3.1 playback.

25.0.81 (7/22/2019)

1. NEW: Added a 3.1 output mode to JRSS (enabled with PCM or Dolby Digital).  Feedback appreciated.
2. NEW: Added File > Export All to iTunes & iPhone to export your entire library instead of just a single playlist.
3. Changed: Tuned the display of audio formats in Audio Path so the display is "5.1 channels", etc. instead of "6 channels" when it's in that mode.
4. Changed: When you said to keep five downloads, it would keep five then download a sixth.  Now it prunes to four before starting the download.
5. Changed: The mode selection page on TV Recording setup wizard is also put inside a scrolling container to ensure all controls can be seen.
6. Changed: Transcoding video will ensure the result fits inside the selected resolution, instead of exceeding it in some cases, improving playback compatibility with a variety of devices.
7. NEW: Importing from iTunes brings the ratings, date last played (if it's newer than you played in MC), and the play count and skip count (if they're greater than MC).
8. NEW: Added "Series ID" and "Program ID" to the Standard View EPG tooltips.
9. Changed: TCP sockets could have hung to partially dead devices, added a write timeout.
10. Changed: When a TCP connection is closed because of a cancel, force the connection to be broken down immediately.
11. Changed: The increments for the mouse wheel in Room Correction for the speaker distance are now 0.1 ft or 0.01 meters.
12. NEW: Added the option to "Enable pane tagging" to the panes to allow tagging and the checkboxes to be turned off.
13. NEW: Ctrl+Shift+V pasting will accept a series of strings on the clipboard (separated by newlines) and paste them into a single selected field.
14. Fixed: Uninstalling a DSP plugin could crash.

25.0.80 (7/17/2019)

1. Changed: The player window only leaves space for artwork when playing (so the space goes away when stopped).
2. Changed: Minor tuning to the player window artwork display position.
3. Changed: TV recording setup wizard window size has been changed, so it is wider and shorter, to avoid scaling issues on some monitors.
4. Changed: The controls on the subscription options page and the program options page on TV recording setup wizard are put in a scrolling control window so the controls will not be cut off by limitation of the wizard window size.
5. Changed: Renamed the player menu choice to "Left Align Artwork" so it matches with the on and off wording.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.89 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2019, 08:05:34 am »

3. Changed: The socket write timeout to prevent hung sockets introduced in 25.0.81 (30 seconds) was too small for devices that have large buffers resulting in stopped playback in the middle of a track. Set it to 300 seconds.

The problem is gone for me when playing mp3 files... but is still here when I restart playing after a pause, even in FLAC:
1. Play music (DLNA).
2. Make a pause.
3. Wait some time.
4. Play.

After some time (device buffer?), the music stops as if I've made a stop.

I'm using Gizmo as a remote control for music played on a Denon DNP-F109 network audio player.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.89 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2019, 05:29:55 pm »

When the "play files decoded from memory" was switched to "Load full file.." JRiver locks up and clicking back on it initiates a crash to where the "JRiver.... has stopped responding..." dialog comes up.

Does not do it on "play files decoded..." or "No memory playback".

I had it on there to have the variable bit rate display in real time.


Awesome Donkey

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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.89 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2019, 05:56:34 am »

The problem is gone for me when playing mp3 files... but is still here when I restart playing after a pause, even in FLAC:
1. Play music (DLNA).
2. Make a pause.
3. Wait some time.
4. Play.

After some time (device buffer?), the music stops as if I've made a stop.

I'm using Gizmo as a remote control for music played on a Denon DNP-F109 network audio player.

This seems to be an issue others (included myself) have encountered for at least the last month or so now. I thought it might be something in my setup, but I've already changed everything (got a new Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB, replaced ethernet cables to hardwired devices, tried a different router, tried different devices/phones, etc.) and the issue still continues. I'm just rather stumped about it.

There's an ongoing topic about this here:,121382.0.html
I don't work for JRiver... I help keep the forums safe from "male enhancements" and other sources of sketchy pharmaceuticals.

Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit + Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole 64-bit (AMD 7900X CPU/AMD 7800 XT GPU/64GB RAM/2TB M.2 NVMe SSD)
macOS Sequoia 15.3.2 (M4 Mac Mini 16GB RAM/256GB SSD)
Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit (Intel N305 Fanless NUC 16GB RAM/500GB M.2 NVMe SSD)
JRiver Media Center 33 (Windows + Mac + Linux) | iFi ZEN DAC 3 | JBL 306P MkII Studio Monitors | Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.89 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2019, 07:32:21 am »

There's an ongoing topic about this here:,121382.0.html

I'm not sure this is the same problem, On my side, I encountered only after I make a "Pause" (using Gizmo on my phone). It seems as if the new timeout feature continues to count down while the "pause" is active, so the timeout occurs after I restart the play.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.89 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2019, 10:37:09 am »

I'm not sure this is the same problem, On my side, I encountered only after I make a "Pause" (using Gizmo on my phone). It seems as if the new timeout feature continues to count down while the "pause" is active, so the timeout occurs after I restart the play.
I think that's part of the issue.
Making a test build now..


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.89 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2019, 01:22:55 pm »

Since the latest version I encounter many complete crashes of jriver Media Center. In most instances announced by 2 or 3 sec of stuttering playback. The software seems to be completely removed from the memory afterwards.

As far as I see, there have been no relevant configuration changes or the like on my machine.

All ideas, hints, etc. are welcome.
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