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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 25.0.92 for Mac -- Available Here  (Read 1008 times)


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JRiver Media Center 25.0.92 for Mac -- Available Here
« on: August 13, 2019, 04:24:22 pm »

This is the latest build of JRiver Media Center 25.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


25.0.92 (8/13/2019)

1. Fixed: The socket write timeout that was being set to the duration of a track from 25.0.86 has been removed (default is now 86400 secs) because it was causing issues with rending devices that had paused playback and that pulled the entire track in one request.
2. Changed: Typed navigation would scroll the list all the way to the left instead of just scrolling vertically.
3. Changed: Nested the Streaming Theater View items under "Radio" and "Stations".
4. NEW: Made the import from iTunes library import the playlists as well (to an iTunes playlist group).
5. Changed: Made the import from iTunes library get ratings.
6. Fixed: Playback/PlayRadioJRiver would return a failure code when playing a Radio JRiver station (instead of success).
7. Changed: Made the "Streaming" Theater View item no longer load files until hitting enter (to play, etc.).
8. NEW: Streaming in Theater View also shows JRiver Cloudplay playlists.
9. Fixed: Syncing with an empty filename rule would put the extension on the file twice.
10. Fixed: Saving an empty filename rule for a handheld would not save properly.
11. Fixed: Calls to Handheld/Sync before the handheld engine loaded devices would not work properly.
12. Changed: MC will load <plot> field from NFO sidecar files into "Description" field so users will not need to create a custom field "plot".
13. NEW: Added the command "Import From iTunes Database..." to the file menu to import from the XML file that iTunes can save the library as.  It will import all the files and make a playlist with them.
14. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.82.

25.0.88 (8/5/2019)

1. Fixed: Column sizing would not be consistent on high DPI.
2. Fixed: Media Center would not respond on TLS ports since 25.0.86.
3. Fixed: Showing Theater View from a minimized program state would not always work.
4. NEW: Added the ability to add "Streaming" to the root of Theater View with a display of Radio JRiver stations and Radio Paradise.
5. Fixed: The ideal height of the "Rename, Move, & Copy" dialog is calculated from a layout so should be much better on high DPI.
6. Changed: Made column creation use the system scale for the width so columns should be wider on high DPI.
7. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
8. Fixed: Cloudplay via PlayDoctor wasn't working right when no local library matches were found.
9. Changed: Added a 'Play' button next to the Cloudplay search box when a search term is present.  This triggers playback of a Play Doctor playlist using the search term.
10. Fixed: The scale factor (retina) for the "Rename, Move, & Copy" dialog and Options dialog was broken.
11. Fixed: A segfault in JRWorker.

25.0.87 (8/1/2019)

1. Changed: Slovak translation updated (thanks Peter Lukac).
2. Fixed: Panel - Cover art was not loading when playing certain streams, like Radio Paradise.
3. Changed: The socket write timeout is set on a per-file served basis to the duration of the file + some padding.
4. Fixed: The ideal height of the "Rename, Move, & Copy" dialog is calculated from a layout so should be much better on high DPI.
5. Changed: Made column creation use the system scale for the width so columns should be wider on high DPI.
6. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
7. Fixed: Cloudplay via PlayDoctor wasn't working right when no local library matches were found.

25.0.85 (7/29/2019)

1. NEW: Added Options > Tree & View > Advanced > Reset window position settings to reset the placement of windows.
2. Changed: Made the default height of options taller.
3. Changed: The socket write timeout to prevent hung sockets introduced in 25.0.81 (30 seconds) was too small for devices that have large buffers resulting in stopped playback in the middle of a track. Set it to 300 seconds.
4. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.81.
5. Changed: DLNA: If we are controlling a zone check it's state on 5 second intervals even if it's not the current zone (was 20 secs).
6. Changed: DLNA: For gapless playback using SetNextAVTransportURI send the next track near the end of the current playing track instead of near the beginning. This appears to help with some renderers that get confused with their track buffering code (Volumio)
7. NEW: DLNA: Add controller option to ignore other controllers (for misbehaving renderers).
8. Fixed: DLNA: Retrieve initial volume for a renderer (was always 0 before playback started).
9. NEW: You can select a maximum play bitrate for Cloud Play files from the menu (defaults to 1500).
10. Fixed: Customizing the columns of a parent view would reset the columns of a child view.
11. Fixed: The new tag pasting function didn't properly accept the newline characters on Mac.
12. NEW: Added the option to stop after a delay for going to sleep.  Look at Player > More Stop.
13. Fixed: Mixing 7.1 surround channel in 2.1 or 3.1 output mode could result in some channel being lost, instead of being downmixed properly.
14. Changed: Tuned the show and hide times for menus so they work better on some systems.
15. Changed: Panel - Added a sign out button to the Cloudplay page.
16. Fixed: Media Center could crash when starting playback on older CPUs.
17. Fixed: was not working properly in all cases.
18. Fixed: Viewing a handheld could crash.
19. Changed: Subclarity enables for 3.1 playback.
20. Changed: Update RadioParadise cover art retreival URL
21. Fixed: Restore original screen blanking, screen saver and other related (OS dependent) state on exit.

25.0.81 (7/22/2019)

1. NEW: The MCWS function to play the JRiver radio will accept "Try Me", "Eclectic", "Classical", "Jazz", and "Rock" as station names and play those stations.
2. Fixed: Dragging Direct Show DSP filters to a differt place in the list could crash.
3. Changed: The increments for the mouse wheel in Room Correction for the speaker distance are now 0.1 ft or 0.01 meters.
4. NEW: Added the option to "Enable pane tagging" to the panes to allow tagging and the checkboxes to be turned off.
5. NEW: Ctrl+Shift+V pasting will accept a series of strings on the clipboard (separated by newlines) and paste them into a single selected field.
6. Fixed: Uninstalling a DSP plugin could crash.
7. Fixed: JRWorker would crash trying to save settings on exit causing re-evaluated video files (when auto-import enabled) and new video files to be misidentified as non-video files.

25.0.80 (7/19/2019)

1. NEW: Added an experimental 3.1 output mode to JRSS (enabled with PCM or Dolby Digital).  Feedback appreciated.
2. Changed: Tuned the display of audio formats in Audio Path so the display is "5.1 channels", etc. instead of "6 channels" when it's in that mode.
3. Changed: Transcoding video will ensure the result fits inside the selected resolution, instead of exceeding it in some cases, improving playback compatibility with a variety of devices.
4. Changed: TCP sockets could have hung to partially dead devices, added a write timeout.
5. Changed: When a TCP connection is closed because of a cancel, force the connection to be broken down immediately.
6. Changed: The player window only leaves space for artwork when playing (so the space goes away when stopped).
7. Changed: Minor tuning to the player window artwork display position.
8. Changed: Renamed the player menu choice to "Left Align Artwork" so it matches with the on and off wording.
9. Changed: Made toggling zones forward and back (Ctrl+T, etc.) go in the display order instead of the order created.
10. Changed: Made the center channel adjustment also enable for 2.1 playback.
11. NEW: Made the tooltip for the taskbar popup contain the artist and name of the playing track.
12. NEW: Added a "Reset To Stock" menu item to the VST "Load" button.  It will reset all the settings back to stock.
13. Fixed: The ~expand smartlist modifier would not import / export properly.
14. Fixed: Formatting big date spans with expressions did not always work properly.
15. Changed: Play Doctor will not error when starting playback with no search at all (only with a search that gives no matches).
16. NEW: Added a center level selection to the Output Format DSP page to be used when in two channel mode.
17. Changed: Made the MCWS UserInterface/Show treat anything that's not a known string as a tree path to select.
18. NEW: Added a "Play (shufffled)" button to the view header of a playlist.
19. Changed: Links no longer show if the field is empty.
20. NEW: The Q factor can be set for low and high pass filters in Parametric Equalizer.
21. Changed: Made the default search for the new Cloud Play option the same as the default Play Doctor search.
22. Changed: When starting Play Doctor with a search that has no matches in the library, it will message instead of playing random files.
23. Changed: When MC fails to read any 'mdat' atom from mp4/m4a/m4v/mov files using its regular method, usually due to bad 'free' atoms in the files, it will try scanning the files for such atoms.
24. Fixed: Not all playlists would show in the Tag Action Window after a recent optimization.

25.0.75 (7/9/2019)

1. Fixed: Converting with an external coder to M4A could lead to a crash.
2. Changed: If Media Center fails to start video playback, it will message about the audio but now add a string about adjusting the video delay.
3. Fixed: OpenGL Theater View was not playing sounds.
4. Changed: Made the Cloud play options page alphabetized in the Options list.
5. Fixed: Upload to a handheld would not always honor the path correctly.
6. Fixed: mp3 ID3v1 tags weren't being saved on Mac.

25.0.74 (7/8/2019)

1. Changed: When doing a movie lookup, the year will be stripped from the name if the movie is named like [Name] ([Year]).
2. Changed: M4A files will be marked as not HDCD if the compression is set to "MP4 AAC".
3. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
4. Changed: Updated the Korean translation (thanks Junghwan).
5. NEW: Added a "Play Doctor" options page and it allows setting rules for file playback.
6. Changed: The play button on a remote when playback is paused will unpause instead of looking for something new to play.
7. Fixed: The library authorization popup would hang if you right-clicked inside one of the edit boxes.
8. Fixed: Some MP4/m4a/m4v files with bad 'free' atoms would not play.
9. Fixed: The optimization to library fields would cause drop list edit types to fill with only some of the values.
10. Changed: Opened Cloud Play up to trial users.
11. NEW: Added a Rand(...) expression function to generate a random number between the two bounds specified.  The last optional parameter specifies if you want integer or decimal.
12. Faster: In-place editing in a huge library is faster.
13. Faster: Enumerating playlists is faster which helps things like Options search with a huge number of playlists.

25.0.71 (6/28/2019)

1. Fixed: Tagging widows that did an auto-select and included a suggestion box could lose focus causing the backspace key to jump back in the UI instead of performing a backspace.
2. Changed: Made the Tag Action Window save and load the scroll position as you navigate (and select no files then select files again).
3. Changed: The blue light will illuminate when decoding HDCD (previously that would cause the light to disengage).
4. Changed: Renamed the option "Process HDCD" to to "Play as HDCD if possible".
5. Changed: Made passing a negative number into ListLimit will grab that many from the end of the list.
6. NEW: Added the smartlist rule ~linkexpand to expand the links in a smartlist.
7. Changed: Made the about box identify the program as 32-bit (it would already identify 64-bit).
8. Changed: Files are no longer marked as dirty when they get flagged as not HDCD so they will not tag because of it.
9. Changed: Made the ListLimit MCWS function take an optional third parameter for the index to start at.
10. NEW: Added Options > Library & Folders > Analyze HDCD Files to flag the analyzer to look at the HDCD state.  It defaults to off so no analysis will be done unless you opt-in.
11. Changed: When the program loads, it will go through files and mark lossy files as not HDCD and files that aren't 44100x16x2 as not HDCD.
12. Changed: Added a message when iTunes playlist import finishes with the number of playlists and directions about where to find them (or an error if no playlists were found).
13. Changed: Searching for files then deleting all of them from Playing Now will reset the search.
14. NEW: Added the MCWS function ListLimit to cap the size of a list of items.
14. Fixed: Pressing Shift+Delete in Playing Now would crash.
15. Changed: Made artist image lookup key into the fact that it's a music artist a little better (so playing bands with animal names, etc. will show better matches).
16. Fixed: Right-click play commands were not all working properly (may need to re-add the Add to Playing Now toolbar button to make it work).
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