I played with Panel for a while. Google Translate translated the "Mahler: Symphonie No. 1" movement titles!

This is a good idea. Lots of companies put a refreshable demo version of their product up on the internet somewhere. Particularly a read only product like Panel.
The bits took a while to get to Australia, particularly when playing high-quality Classical tracks. But overall Panel was fairly responsive.
That Library could use some curating.

The Library needs some sample images and short videos of different formats, perhaps with the format described on the video. Plus Playlists.
In Audio the controls and progress bar are visible when hovering the mouse over the Cover Art, while on my Windows 10 Mobile Lumia 650 phone I could just tap the Cover Art and controls display.
On a PC selected audio starts playing immediately. Okay. On my phone a black square representing the Cover Art displayed with a Play icon over the top. The Cover Art only displays when I start playback. Not so good.
The maximise Cover Art function never completed on a Win10 PC using Chrome. Worked on phone using Edge. I waited what I thought was a reasonable amount of time, but gave up after about four minutes.
As mentioned elsewhere, there really needs to be a "Back" button next to the "Home" button, even though the back button in a browser works. It could be bigger in the interface and save hunting around at the top of the browser.
It is a bit disappointing that playback stops when I hit back, meaning that I could browse for new media to play while having music play in the background. However, I could open a second browser page to do the browsing. But then if I started playback there I had two files playing at once, all mixed in!
On a PC it's not obvious that clicking the Cover Art Pauses/Plays the file... until you do it. Having the mouse icon change would probably be a good indication. Having a transparent Play icon over a Paused file would also help.
When my phone goes into sleep mode the current track plays until the end, but them playback stops, even though I had selected "Play All". When the phone is woken playback doesn't always resume immediately, I needed to tap the Cover Art, which had the spinning icon on it.
Selecting Radio Button from Panel opens the WebPlayer, which is different to Panel playback. It is also the only place I could find to adjust the audio quality. Clicking the Home button takes you to the WebPlayer home, not back to Panel as expected.
Selecting "Playing Now" takes me to Gizmo, which uses another completely different interface, but remembered what I was playing in WebPlayer.
Anyway, not criticism, just feedback. A more "consolidated" solution, interface, and environment will be great, when you get there.