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Author Topic: External Subtitles - Bug reports with DVD + Request  (Read 1338 times)


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External Subtitles - Bug reports with DVD + Request
« on: September 19, 2019, 08:07:01 am »


I use a lot the external subtitles features with optical supports (Blu-ray and DVD) and its works pretty great except 2 smal things you could help to solve:
  • The first one is a request feature: add "Browse" external subtitles to the MCC Command Index list in order to let us create remote shortcut to accelerate the loading file action. My understanding is it not present currently.
  • The second one is a bug report which is present only with DVD (not Bluray): the external subtitles loaded is shown as active in the subtitle sub menu but the subtitles are not displayed on the video. I have to first click on "Off" and then click on the external loaded file to get it to be active in the video. To be more clear, I have attached 4 screenshot:
    • DVDIssue1: I load the external subtitles using "Browse" function.
    • DVDIssue2: The loaded file is indicated as active in the subtitles sub-menu but not present on the video.
    • DVDIssue3: I click on "Off" in the subtitle sub-menu.
    • DVDIssue4: I click on the previously loaded external sub file listed in the subtitle sub-menu and now the subtitles are active in the video
    This issue is present whatever the subtitles format (ssa, srt,...)

Thanks in advance!


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Re: External Subtitles - Bug reports with DVD + Request
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2019, 09:03:02 am »

I'll try to get the first one next build.

Here's the history:
NEW: Made the MCC_PLAYBACK_ENGINE_SET_SUBTITLES MCC command take a -3 to browse for subtitles.

Thanks for the idea.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: External Subtitles - Bug reports with DVD + Request
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2019, 09:20:57 am »

I don't think I can reproduce the problem.  I setup a DVD with an external subtitle file and I switch between that file and the built-in subtitles and it switches no problem.

Any other tips?

You could even make a sample video available to me along with instructions.  I'm matt at jriver.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: External Subtitles - Bug reports with DVD + Request
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2019, 10:37:48 am »

Hi Matt,

Thanks for your quick support, great as usual!

Regarding the subs issue, I will try with another PC with a fresh install of the last version, maybe it is related to my PC as you can't reproduce it. If I can reproduce, I will do a video and send it to you but my actions are quite standard.

In attachment you will find my player config but again, it seem quite standard to me.

I will let you know.

Thanks again for your support!


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Re: External Subtitles - Bug reports with DVD + Request
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2019, 10:52:36 am »

Thanks.  Like I said, making a sample available to me (DropBox, etc.) would also work.

Maybe we just need to set to nothing before setting a different subtitle?  I'm not sure, but a sample would confirm.

Thanks again.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: External Subtitles - Bug reports with DVD + Request
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2019, 03:10:06 am »

Hi Matt,

So I tried with another PC and I reproduced the same issue. I tried with several DVD (my japanese import, US or European ones) and get issue with all.

I noticed something: if the DVD has internal subtitles (so the encapsulated Idx+Sub image format), at the beginning I have obviously no issue to navigate and get them. But if one is active and I load a srt (or other text based subtitles) through the "Browse" function, the srt file is indicated as active in the Subtitles sub-menu, but it is still the images based subtitles from the DVD that is really keeping to be displayed. I need, still on the subtitles sub-menu, to click on "off" and then on the srt file added entry to really make the switch. But then, the DVD encapsulated subs are not working anymore if I try to switch to them. I feel like a subtitle renderer (one working with image based subs and the other working with text based subs) switch is forced by my action. Furthermore, if I click a second time "Off" on the subtitles sub-menu and then one of the DVD subs track, no subtitle is display anymore, like no switch back to the initial subtitles (image based) renderer is possible.

I hope this make a little sense to you. I can try to provide you sample but I got this issue with all my DVD so I'm not sure this will really help you.


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Re: External Subtitles - Bug reports with DVD + Request
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2019, 08:06:42 am »

I can try to provide you sample

Please do.

I haven't been able to reproduce with any of my DVDs.  There must be something special.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: External Subtitles - Bug reports with DVD + Request
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2019, 12:24:28 pm »

Hi Mike,

Sorry for the delay, quite busy.

First, thanks for the new release, the Shortcut to the Subtitles Browse function is great!

Regarding the DVD issue, I made a (crappy) video of the issue:
But as you can't reproduce it, I think this is something from my side but I don't see what as the two PCs I tested have a quite standard setup. I will test again with another PC in Windows 10 when I found one (the both PC I tested were on Windows Seven 64) to see if this makes a difference. As I have the issue with all the DVD I tested (European Pal, NTSC from Japan or US,...), I don't think this will help to provide you any sample. If you have any hint to help me to found the source of the issue, don't hesitate.

I have also one more "bug" report regarding the "Browse" function and this happen with all the video file I tested: if the video is paused, the browsing window to select the external sub is hidden by the video window and I must minimize the video  window to access to it. No Problem if the video is playing. Again, I made a crappy video to show you the issue:

Thank again for your support!
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