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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 25.0.106 for Windows -- Available Here  (Read 2358 times)


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JRiver Media Center 25.0.106 for Windows -- Available Here
« on: September 27, 2019, 07:08:31 am »

This is a new build of JRiver Media Center 25.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.

Builds pulled by JimH, due to Total Disc problem.

25.0.106 (9/25/2019)

1. Fixed: We were not passing the array of files into the expression for thumbnails so things like GroupCount(...) were not working properly.

25.0.105 (9/25/2019)

1. NEW: Added the ItemCount(...) expression to allow giving the count of all the files in the database with the same album, artist, album key, etc.
2. Changed: Made the DLNA servers dialog larger and made it sizable.
3. Changed: When playing to the WDM driver, Media Center will no longer jump to Playing Now (even if it's set to).
4. NEW: Made the program update the 'Total Discs' for all the files in the library at startup (files not marked dirty, so shouldn't cause tagging).


Changed: Some internal changes like the handling of video analysis.

25.0.103 (9/23/2019)

1. NEW: Calls to the web service from a webpage bypass the web browser and are routed directly inside Media Center.  That way the calls work even with Media Network off.
2. Changed: Updated the Korean translation (thanks Junghwan).
3. Fixed: Editing a file path rule in the library customization dialog would not work.
4. Changed: Theater View will save when it's zoomed into a file so returning to Theater View will still be zoomed in.
5. NEW: Made the text on the status bar customizable for single file selections (right-click the toolbar and pick Set Text Rule...).
6. Changed: Double-clicking or Right-click > Configure Recording is no longer disabled for TV recording rules that are time-based one-time recordings (in Recording Rules view).
7. Fixed: The equalizer preamp was only working on the two front channels.
8. Changed: Saving an empty playlist as a Car Radio button would start playing the current playlist instead of messaging that there was nothing to play.
9. NEW: Added the PNPosition and PNCount variables to the expression used for status bar customization.
10. NEW: Reworked both the preamp and equalizer so they'll work on high channel counts (like 32 channels) instead of only on prescribed channels.
11. NEW: Made the MCC_PLAYBACK_ENGINE_SET_SUBTITLES MCC command take a -3 to browse for subtitles.
12. NEW: More TV properties of recording rules can be edited in Theater View, including subscription suspension, re-enabling canceled recording etc.
13. Fixed: "Subscription default - Search all fields for name" setting was not correctly applied when setting up TV recording subscription in Theater View.
14. Changed: "Subscription default - Search all fields for name" option on TV Options is renamed "Subscription default - Search all fields for name (i.e. search Description in addition to Name and Series fields)".
15. Fixed: Checkbox style fields were not working since the last update to fix tag window issues.

25.0.102 (9/16/2019)

1. Changed: Updated German translation file (thanks Bytestar).
2. Changed: The check for updates box closes after 60 seconds instead of 5 seconds when there's no update.
3. Fixed: SACD playback was not working.
4. Changed: Play Doctor won't factor a file as a minus file if you double-click a new track.  It will only factor as a minus if you hit the next track button.
5. Fixed: Tried to fix the issue of the Action Window crashing when closing automatically for check for updates (couldn't reproduce, so only maybe).

25.0.101 (9/14/2019)

1. NEW: Television Recording Rules can be edited in Theater View through a menu.
2. Changed: For DLNA, the next track will be sent 30 seconds before the end of the current track to devices that support SetNextAVTransportURI. (increase of 6 seconds).
3. Fixed: Media Center could crash when checking for updates while the Action Window was not shown.

25.0.100 (9/13/2019)

1. NEW: Added a dialog "Portable Library" to allow setting up the filename conversions needed between Windows, Mac, and Linux.
2. Fixed: NFO "rating" tag was not properly imported.
3. NEW: MC will import "Rating" field from the new style "ratings" tag in NFO files.
4. Changed: Updated the Chromium web engine to the latest Chrome release.
5. Changed: Web links stay visible as you visit webpages (instead of going away).
6. NEW: MC will import "Lens" field from TIFF images.
7. NEW: "Focal Length" and "F Number" from TIFF images will be displayed with one decimal place only.
8. NEW: "XResolution" and "YResolution" from TIFF images will carry a unit (dpi or ppcm).
9. Fixed: Playlists added to Gizmo views as a library item would not sort properly.
10. Fixed: Cloudplay PlayDoctor button was not working.  This is the play button that would appear when you entered a genre into the Cloudplay search box.
11. Changed: When typing a part after a semi-colon in an edit box, a suggestion will appear for the second, third, etc. string.
12. NEW: An option "Jump amount when using mouse wheel to change playback position", to allow users to select how many seconds to jump when mouse wheel is turned (1 - 30 seconds).
13. NEW: When loading from an NFO file for a video, if <rating> or <ratings> tag is not found, <userrating> will be loaded for "Rating" field.
14. Changed: The check for updates Action Window only shows for five seconds if there's no update (so you don't have to close it).
15. Changed: Switched the API call used for Theater View sound playback to hopefully be more responsive.
16. Changed: Made mouse wheel scrolling in a menu always scroll at least one item even if the scroll reported by the system is small (previously it could be discarded).
17. NEW: An option to disable mouse wheel for jumping / skipping.
18. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
19. Fixed: The Tag action window could keep applying tags incorrectly when editing a list field.
20. NEW: String literals can be defined in expressions by using /* comment here /*.  The text will be output without any formatting.
21. NEW: When playing a television channel the OSD program info display will include a "currently recording" or "scheduled to be recorded" symbol in the current and next program names.
22. Fixed: The Tempo & Pitch DSP could crash when fed more then 16 channel, instead it'll gracefully disable now until the limit can be raised.
23. Changed: Made the pane right-click menu show even when the view is locked (it will just disable most the items).
24. Fixed: Loudness could produce a subtle tick when starting playback again.
25. Fixed: Pressing Ctrl+A after opening the tag window would not select all in the file list.

25.0.99 (9/4/2019)

1. NEW: TIFF images' "Date", "Artist", and "Description" etc. tags will be imported.
2. Fixed: Right-click in the installer's install path edit control would crash.
3. Changed: Updated German translation file (thanks Stefan and Bytestar).
4. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
5. Changed: Made all the colors discrete for 7.1 playback in Analyzer (instead of looping previous colors).
6. Fixed: With right visualizations showing the rating could get scrunched.
7. NEW: Save the platform along with a database as platform.jmd.
8. NEW: Added a "Move to Top" and "Move to Bottom" selection for the Tag window templates.
9. NEW: Some tags in EXIF private IFD are imported from TIFF image files (focal length, F-number, ISO, shutter speed, etc.).
10. Fixed: Panel - Blocked some text from becoming highlighted when using sliders.
11. Changed: Panel - The "no files in playing now" error message now displays the current zone as a link to the settings page.

25.0.98 (8/30/2019)

1. Changed: Brought the equalizer back to Media Editor.
2. Fixed: The equalizer wasn't engaging on the surround right channel.

25.0.97 (8/30/2019)

1. NEW: A new TV channel editing option "Fill 'Channel #' column with current custom channel order number", available through Right-click menu on "Channel #" column header.
2. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
3. Changed: Made TIF import get the camera from the header.
4. NEW: Added an option "Lower and slimmer OSD" on Video playback options.
5. Fixed: On import, we would not set the album from the date if we had just set the date from the file's time.
6. NEW: Replaced the 10 band graphical equalizer with the high quality parametric equalizer code.  Should solve artifacts that have been reported.
7. Changed: The equalizer is commented out of the Media Editor for the time being.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.106 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2019, 08:11:19 am »

Just a note that we reproduced the Parametric Equalizer working on all the channels instead of the selected channels for the mute and volume filters.  It will be fixed in a coming build.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.106 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2019, 09:38:24 am »

New VST-related problem introduced between .104 and .106.

On three different PCs -- if I enter the GUI of any one or more VST(s) loaded in the DSP Studio, two things happen:

1 - MC ramps up to high CPU and stays there, even if I close DSP Studio. (E.g. 70-80% on MS Surface Pro 4, never seen that before.)
2 - MC cannot be closed. Closing leads to perpetual hang. Must be closed/terminated using Task Manager.

I went back to .104 and verified that the problem is not present in that version.

Thank you.
Derek Pert
(Windows 11 Pro x64 / 32GB RAM)


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.106 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2019, 09:53:08 am »



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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.106 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2019, 12:27:09 pm »

Hi! Play video file and right click to choose subtitles. They are listed twice, i.e. Episode and then again Episode See attached screenshot. George


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.106 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2019, 12:56:34 pm »

Matt, I can confirm the GroupCount and GroupSummary in Standard View bugs are fixed in this release.  Thanks!


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.106 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2019, 02:08:54 pm »

I'm not sure the 'Total Discs' thing is working properly... It seems to just report the highest Disc # encountered, and doesn't actually count discs.  This can produce strange results:

Example 1: For an album where none of the tracks have a disc # field filled out, Total Discs is null, no value.
Example 2: For an album where 3 different disc # values are present, (null, 11, and 12) Total discs returns 12, not 2 or 3.

The last part especially doesn't seem good, as if you only have some discs of a multi-disc set, Total Discs will tell you that you have more discs than are actually present in the library (if you have the higher numbered discs from the end of the set).

The function is behaving as though it is "Highest Disc #" instead of "Total Discs".  Total Discs implies total discs present in the set, so for example 2 it should return 3 (or arguably 2) but not 12.

Perhaps this is by design but it seems counter-intuitive.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.106 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2019, 03:14:36 pm »

If you have a disc numbered 12, I'd argue there are twelve discs in the set even if you don't have them all.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.106 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2019, 07:17:36 pm »

Hi! Play video file and right click to choose subtitles. They are listed twice, i.e. Episode and then again Episode See attached screenshot. George

We'll fix this next build.  Thanks.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.106 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2019, 07:40:53 pm »

If you have a disc numbered 12, I'd argue there are twelve discs in the set even if you don't have them all.

You would?  Of course, that argument falls apart if you have discs 6 and 7 of a 12 disc set.  Then it reports neither the number of discs you actually have, nor the number of discs in the set.

But you're saying it's working as intended so I guess that's that, confusing or not.  The actual count of discs in the library can be obtained with GroupCount anyway.  Thanks for the feedback.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.106 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2019, 07:52:53 pm »

You would?  Of course, that argument falls apart if you have discs 6 and 7 of a 12 disc set.  Then it reports neither the number of discs you actually have, nor the number of discs in the set.

But you're saying it's working as intended so I guess that's that, confusing or not.  The actual count of discs in the library can be obtained with GroupCount anyway.  Thanks for the feedback.
You're right.  We'll fix it.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.106 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2019, 09:35:18 pm »

Poor Matt!! Count these discs but I don't have them all - easy to say but not so easy to do - my heart goes out to you!!
English spiders are kind of small, but when I was living in the African rain forest well ......


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.106 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2019, 09:37:01 pm »

This thread disappeared from the top, so I mistakenly posted elsewhere, but the issue is applicable for both:

There is a bug in theater view in 25.0.106 (and 104) that causes thumbnails or posters to be duplicated in some views.

Please see the attached image for proof, with the duplications circled.  Those movies of course only exist once in my database.  It happens for audio or video files, if this view style is used.  All other view styles are fine, only this one has the issue, and it has the issue anywhere it is used.

Roderick commented in another thread he was able to reproduce.

Could this please be fixed?


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