I do not have a view called "Recent Albums" in my Audio tree. So I'm not sure what yours shows.
But let me outline the process for you so you can understand it:
We are trying to select all FILES. This is easiest if we use a view that shows individual files, and not album covers that you have to drill down into, or album covers that you need to try to select some how. So let's start with a view like that. How about Audio > Files . It's a Panes view, which shows a giant list of files underneath the selection panes at the top.
So, go to the left navigation area, click on Audio, and then click on Files. In the big main area, you should now see the Files view with Panes up top, and all of your files down below. From here you can select all files: Click on any one file. Now your mouse is focused in the files area. Press control-a, or do Edit > Select all. Now all of your files are selected.
You can optionally select only files on a specific drive. If you only have one drive, this is not necessary. If you have more than one drive, you will want to make sure you get this right.
So, all files are selected. Now just open RM&C: Tools > Library Tools > Rename, MOve, and Copy Files
You should now see your giant list of files, ordered in the same way they were in the Files display that you selected them from.
I hope that helps!