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Author Topic: DLNA Zones not showing  (Read 787 times)


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DLNA Zones not showing
« on: November 18, 2019, 05:25:37 am »

I've used JRiver MC since 23 and have always had this working on the same configuration.

I am currently on the latest version of MC25 and in the now playing section to the left, the only zone showing is the server zone.  None of my other devices are showing up, iPhone, DAP, DAP again, and other entries.  I have paired JRemote to the server and still nothing shows.

I can see the server zone from all devices with JRemote, but I cannot see any of the other devices at all.  From MC25 I do not see any of the devices with JRemote running an connected.

I have tried restarting media network, retyping passwords on JRemote and etc but all to no avail.

Port 1900 is open, updated to the latest Catalina public release build, MC25 also at latest.

Thanks for your help.


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Re: DLNA Zones not showing
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2019, 06:22:05 am »

Open ports 52100 to 52200.

Reboot all devices on the network, including the modem and router.


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Re: DLNA Zones not showing
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2019, 10:11:03 am »

Playing Now should show all DLNA devices that are able to be detected by MC.  Your network configuration can affect this.  I don't many details.  You might post something about this in the Media Network forum since it's specifically about network and DLNA.

Now, with that being said, I don't think you are ever going to see JRemote clients in Playing Now.  Because JRemote is not a DLNA renderer as far as I know.  JRemote is a remote control that can control MC, but it's not available as a "zone" to send audio to.

Your "DAPs" (digital audio players) may or may not be DLNA enabled.   If you previously saw these exact same devices in Playing Now in MC, then perhaps something has changed.  Network configuration on your network.  Or the version of MC you are running?  The DLNA code seems to get updated pretty frequently in MC.

Good luck to you.

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