I want to use JRiver MC on a Windows 10 desktop pc to play decrypted Blu-Ray movies. In addition to MC's DTS-HD MA decoding, unlike all hardware and Windows players it is the only player allowing both fast/slow motion and zoom control of (decrypted) BD movies, as many of us have long enjoyed with DVD movies.
https://forum.redfox.bz/threads/reclaiming-zoom-functionality-on-blu-ray-movies.57000/page-2In my new 5.1 system the video will be fed via HDMI to my screen and the decoded DTS-HD MA audio
will be fed via USB to this excellent multi DAC.
https://www.exasound.com/Blog/tabid/74/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/179/Configuring-JRiver-Media-Center-for-Windows-for-Bitperfect-ASIO-Playback-with-exaSound-DACs.aspxIt was encouraging to hear from Jon at USBuirt that his controller apparently interfaces nicely with JRiver for it to be included as a plug-in. I am new to JRiver so is configuring the plug-in to recognize and work with USBuirt hardware all done via GUI, rather than much if any code writing?
But Jon did not yet specify an actual handheld remote which will work seamlessly with USBuirt to execute all basic the JRiver commands I need-exactly like ALL of those on the remote of my standalone Oppo 95 player. That is, play, stop, pause, chapter select, fwd/rev, variable speed fast/slow motion in fwd/rev and zoom.
I went here
http://www.usbuirt.com/overview.htm and clicked on all of those companies but all apparently either folded or make no handheld remote controllers or software products that would work with USBuirt AND other specific third party handheld remotes which would truly meet my JRiver BD player needs.
The only one seeming to come anywhere near close was
http://www.hc-skipper.com/en/index.htm But the link to on its forum, assuming it actually exists, is broken. So far no reply after emailing them about this. support@HC-SKIPPER.com
So which if any handheld remotes (
https://www.logitech.com/en-us/harmony-universal-remotes ,
https://www.sony.com/electronics/support/articles/00030329 et al) will work with USBuirt or another interface to make JRiver into a BD player fully functional via handheld remote-including slow/fast motion and zoom?
I need these remote control model suggestions before investing in the Exasound e38 DAC to use with JRiver, and thereby build what may be among the very best sounding 5.1 HT systems.