I have had some difficulty getting this to work and have been busy trying different purmetations to try and get it to work.
If you have been having difficulty, go back over my posts carefully and try to understand them better. We may have a terminology issue, as is often the case in describing detailed technical solutions.
For a start:
I had been looking at search results in JRemote2 [on my tablet] within the category "Name w Sort" but evidently I needed to be doing this in the 2nd category "Name w 2nd Category" because here it seems to work.
The "Name w Sort" and "Name w 2nd Category" in my posts above are
View names, not categories.
In the "Name w 2nd Category" View, the two categories are "Name", and "Name". The first Name category groups all files together in groups of three, (Well, "Others", "0-9", and then groups of three letters, "A-C", D-F" etc.) The second Name category sorts the files by the field [Name]. The limitation to show only one of each Track and File Type combination is applied in the "Set rules for file display" dialogue.
In the "Name w Sort" View there is only one category, "Name". It groups all files together in groups of three, and then the sort back into [Name] sequence is done in the "Set rules for file display" dialogue.
So to be clear, I built two different Views, both of which meet your requirements to some degree.
As I said back in the other thread:
I prefer the 2nd option, as I like the display better and a selected track starts playing immediately, rather than requiring one more tap.
Where the second option was the "Name w Sort" View.
However, when your limitation of only showing one version of each file type for each track is applied, that version doesn't work so well, as:
Hint: All tracks in a Group (i.e. A-C) get added to Playing Now when you select one Track to play, JRemote2 doesn't auto-scroll down to the playing track, and you don't get the fast scrolling functionality in Playing Now.
I should have realised that where you put the limiter is where you need to view the results in JRemote2.
Yep. That's why I post images with highlights. They show where things go, and how to get to the functionality. Follow the highlights.
Only apparent problem now is there is an second step now to get to the song you want as it is grouping listings with the same song name into a single group which you have to drill into to get to your listings of de-duplicated songs. It's still a big improvement though.
Yep. But the Grouping works, and when you tap a Track then tap the Play icon, the Track will play. If you tap and hold a Track you can queue it up to play next, or append it to Playing Now. So that works well.
When you tap a Track in the "Name w Sort" View all Tracks in the group (i.e. A-C) are added to Playing Now and the selected Track starts playing. It is hard to find the current Track that is playing in the Playing Now list, as all Tracks in the group are there, and the Track you are playing will be somewhere down the list.
So, some compromise is required. Currently, the "Name w 2nd Category" View works best, I think.
Now, as I have said before, I have both View versions working just fine. But as they behave differently, I have described both. You should get both working and decide which you want to use. I don't know why you haven't been able to get the "Name w Sort" View working. Maybe go back to the other thread, and look at the second and third images attached to
this post. They show all that is required to get the "Name w Sort" View working.
I just wanted to revisit with you also the 2nd part of my question to you which was whether it is possible to get file type to be visible in the list of search results in JRemote2.
I realised I hadn't addressed that issue, and came back to have a look at whether I could get something to work. You should know it is highly unlikely that JRemote2 will be modified to display file type in the way you want.
Not many people keep all their duplicates, and if they do, they will most often use the MC "Stack" functionality to stack files together, so that if a user tries to play a Track, the file at the top of the Stack is always played. So in your case you would put you WAV files at the top of the Stack, and they would always be played. But you said somewhere that sometimes you wanted to play MP3s, which means you want to make a choice at play time, and Stacks don't make that easy, or even possible in JRemote2. Hence, I pursued this solution. You can research the Stack functionality in the Wiki and Forum if you wish. Lots of info around. I haven't looked at using Stacks with JRemote2. I'm not going there at the moment.
So, I'm going to post this and see if I can come up with a solution to show file types in your Views. I'll post if I find a solution... or don't.