I read the wiki - looks like the way to select the channel I want is to "Mute" the one I don't want playing within DSP? EDIT: Beside "Mute" is a "Solo" checkbox. If selected that's the only channel that will play.
you do not want to output Dolby
Without this selected I don't get the "Dolby" light on the AVR. I assumed to get the proper signals for each channel I would want to see the "Dolby" light on the AVR. Is this an incorrect assumption? Do I not want the Dolby encoding output to the AVR for decoding?
Reading the wiki it sounds like if I output in Dolby I skip any of the parametric equalization, which is not what I want. Some of this is still black magic to me....
Just trying to learn more about JRiver/DSP and the proper settings.
EDIT: Reading this wiki it sounds like I want the computer (JRiver?) to do the audio decoding. "By allowing the computer to decode, you gain the ability to use the full range of audio processing offered by Media Center. This includes VideoClock, Room Correction, parametric equalization, normalization, and much more.".
So to try to wrap this up in my head. JRiver does the decoding of the Dolby signal and breaks the audio into it's discrete channels so that JRiver/DSP can apply any selected audio processing. Then JRiver passes the processed discrete channels to the AVR. Since the AVR is receiving discrete channels vice an encoded signal (which the AVR would have to decode) the Dolby light doesn't illuminate. Am I starting to understand this a little more?