The JRiver wiki page on relational fields the following:
You can make your own relational fields and store a value keyed off of:
At this time it is not possible to key a relational field off of any other arbitrary or user-defined fields in the Library.
Would it be possible to expand that list to include
Composer? Having only Artist available somewhat restricts the usefulness of relational fields for classical music, and Composer seems somewhat akin (in some tagging schemes) to Artist.
I've always thought it would be interesting to add a field like ComposerBirth (as a year) to the database, sorting on that as a rough approximation for time period of works. It would be far more accurate, I know, to actual add a CompositionYear to each piece separately, but that's far, far more work! A composer's year of birth seems like an ideal relational field.
The wiki page in question was lasted edited in 2016 (by Glynor). So, it's possible the list of key fields above is now stale.