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Author Topic: Theater View: Is it possible to access a playlist from another view?  (Read 843 times)

rec head

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I would like to access a playlist of TV Shows from Video->Shows->Series Name (Game of Thrones for example). Is it possible to access a playlist in this way?

The use case is when doing a series re-watch there may be episodes I want to skip and having a playlist with these removed seems like the easiest way instead of trying to remember. It would be great to access this from the list of episodes instead of having to remember to go to Playlists to watch the show.

I did some googling and wiki reading but didn't find the answer.



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Re: Theater View: Is it possible to access a playlist from another view?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2020, 09:39:43 am »

I am not sure how to do what you're looking to do, but I have a possible workaround solution for you.

You could create a new field, lets call it [skip].  Every episode that you'd want to skip in the future you'd place an X (or some value) into that field.  Then in Options>Theater View>Customize File Info Panel>TV Show template (from drop down)>Manage>Edit Template.  In the Regular Caption enter something like this

Code: [Select]
[Episode] - [Name] ifelse(!isempty([skip]) ,<font color="#ff0000">X<//font>)
You would then end up with something like this (notice the red X after the title of some of the episodes, this indicates that you've marked them for skipping)

If you want to hide those episodes all together, you could use the new skip field in "Set rules for display" and they wouldn't appear at all.


rec head

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Re: Theater View: Is it possible to access a playlist from another view?
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2020, 08:04:52 am »

Thanks, more work than I was looking for but I'll give it a try when I have the time.


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Re: Theater View: Is it possible to access a playlist from another view?
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2020, 05:59:32 pm »

I don't understand what you mean by "access" a Playlist from within a View, but you can certainly use Playlists to filter (and re-filter) Views in Media Center. This is a little outdated, but this might get you started:

If you mean to add a Category (aka Pane, or "layer" in Theater View) to a View which allows you to Browse your Playlists, yes, you can do that too. Simply add a new Category to your View, and choose the Playlist Group type.
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rec head

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Re: Theater View: Is it possible to access a playlist from another view?
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2020, 11:24:59 am »

Glynor, that is pretty much what I want. Sorry about the terminology. What I can't figure out is how to nest the Playlist under Video->Shows.


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Re: Theater View: Is it possible to access a playlist from another view?
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2020, 05:48:43 pm »

You can't nest a Playlist directly under any of the Views. You can either:

1. Make a View that is filtered so that it only shows the results of a Playlist (or, as I typically use them, excludes the results of a Playlist). The best way to do this is to use the rule discussed in the thread I linked above, which is: p="PLAYLIST NAME HERE"

So, for example, in the Audio section of my Theater View, I have Views set up which allow me to access a bunch of the Play Doctor lists I have, since you can't normally access Play Doctor lists from within Theater View (and I want them to show up under Audio\Mixes anyway). Each "Playlist" is a separate view set up like this:

Click to embiggen.

However, doing this manually for a bunch of separate Playlists for shows will be clunky to manage manually. You'd be better off implementing something which happens automatically, as described in my thread linked above.

With my Currently Watching view, if I want to re-watch a series, I simply go into MC in Standard View, select all of the files in the show and do right-click > Library Tools > Mark as Not Played. Then, as soon as I play one of them, the rest all show up from then on in my Currently Watching view, and automatically disappear out of there as I watch them.

2. Or, if you just want to see a listing of Playlists (optionally limited to those inside a particular "folder" inside your Playlists item in the Tree) then you can instead make a View which has a Playlist Group category. So, if I wanted to make a View which let me access all of the Top Hits playlists I have in MC under Audio in the tree, I could do this:

Click to embiggen.

If you have a whole bunch of Playlists you want to be able to browse under the Video part of Theater View, which you have all stored inside the same "folder" (called Playlist Groups in MC) in your Playlists, then this would be a decent way to do it.
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