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Author Topic: (Fixed) Playlist Sorting: Sequence vs. Track No. Sometimes Are Different  (Read 3136 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 300

My Media Center database is sorted by Track No, then by Album.

Most of the time when I create a playlist the Track No field is the same as the Sequence field, but sometimes the Track No is in the right order but the Sequence field is different. If I then sort the playlist by Sequence then the Track No field is mixed up.;topic=124554.0;attach=34648;image

When I make a playlist, how do I ensure that it will play according to Track No and not Sequence?
* HP Pavilion Desktop 510-p114
* Windows 10 Home 22H2 19045.5608
* Firefox 136; Thunderbird 128.8.1 (esr)


  • Citizen of the Universe
  • *****
  • Posts: 2640
Re: Playlist Sorting: Sequence vs. Track No. Sometimes Are Different
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2020, 05:30:14 pm »

You have things a bit mixed up, I think.

The track number has zero to do with the playlist.  That is the track number is the [Track #] field from the file.  This is the track number from the album the track comes from, the order it appears on the CD.

The Seq is the separate order maintained for the playlist.  That is the "hardwired" order of the track on the playlist.

If you added 10 tracks from your 10 favorite albums, each track being the first track on the album, when you looked at the playlist, all of them would show [Track #] = 1.  But they would each have a different Seq.

Of course this being JRiver, you can sort your playlist any way you want by clicking on the column headers, and then the playlist will play in that sorted order. You could sort by track, or by name, or whatever, just as anywhere else in MC.  Sorting will never change the [Track #] field.  Only the Seq field has special meaning when a track is added to a playlist.

You can look at the wiki page for playlists where this is explained.

If you want to permanently update the seq (short for sequence, the playlist order) based on your sorting, click the Update Order button in the top pane.

Make sense?


  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 300
Re: Playlist Sorting: Sequence vs. Track No. Sometimes Are Different
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2020, 02:55:41 pm »

Thank you for your help.

I found the problem. If you will look at the list image I provided, you will see that the top 3 tracks contain a space between J' and Adore while the remaining tracks do not. I changed them to remove the space and now everything is working the way I expect.

As usual, another cockpit error on my part.  :-[
* HP Pavilion Desktop 510-p114
* Windows 10 Home 22H2 19045.5608
* Firefox 136; Thunderbird 128.8.1 (esr)


  • Citizen of the Universe
  • *****
  • Posts: 2640

Changing the Album field doesn't affect the seq on the playlist.  Seq is assigned when a track is added to a playlist or the playlist is reordered.  The Name or Album field only comes into play when sorting.

Seq is set accordingly to the order tracks are added in the playlist.  You apparently wanted them added in track-order, but you had them sorted a different way when you added them to the playlist. That was the error. If you had sorted by track number before adding, the seqs would have matched the track numbers regardless of the contents of the Album field.

The act modifying other fields, by itself, never affects the seq assigned in a playlist. Never. You would have to resort or update the order of the playlist to do that.

Congratulations if you feel like you solved your problem.  I'm posting this so other users in the future who need help understanding playlists won't be misled or confused.
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